How to Limit Your Screen Time and Live in the Moment

picture of the screen of a tablet

In today's digital age, it's hard to escape screens. Don't you ever get the feeling that all you do during your day is watch a screen? 💻📱

You're at work, and your eyes are glued to your laptop. Then, when you're finally off, you hastily step onto the last-minute subway that takes you home. And here you are, spending the whole time watching 🐱 silly cat reels on Instagram or checking that nice recipe your friend sent you. 

Once you get home, you probably turn on the TV, relax on the couch, and maybe check your phone now and then to see if you've received any new messages. Finally, you end up going to bed in the company of some silly videos on your social media 🤳🏼.

Whether it comes to smartphones, tablets, computers, or televisions, we are constantly surrounded by screens. But are they really harmful? How can you counteract these negative habits? 

Well, if these questions are popping into your head, you're in the right place because in this article, we'll find answers together and reclaim control of your life by limiting your screen time! There's no doubt about it: by becoming more aware of your digital use and taking action, you can find the balance between technology and real-life experiences.🙌🏼

Is Too Much Screen Time Harmful?

Yes, there is a health risk associated with excessive screen time. The worst part of screen time abuse is that most of us are completely unaware of it, blindly ignoring the consequences that this usual yet harmful habit can have on our mental and physical well-being. 

But when is too much screen time anyway? Well, that's relative, but one thing we can say for sure is that the consequences are real. Clinical studies have consistently warned about the detrimental effects of excessive screen use. 

Yet few seem to take them seriously since screen addiction is on the rise around the world. As we highlighted in previous articles, the excessive use of digital media, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, has literally skyrocketed, leading to significant behavioral changes and even material and moral damage. 

But to cut to the chase: what are the harmful effects of excessive screen time on the human body? Let's explore them in depth:

  • Sleep disruption: I'm sure you're well aware of this one. The blue light of your screens can heavily interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, causing troubles with sleep or overall poor quality of sleep.

  • Increased stress: Excessive screen time can contribute to increased stress levels, especially when engaging in social media comparisons or online harassment.

  • Eye Strain and Discomfort: Hours in front of screens can lead to eye strain, dryness, and blurred vision.

  • Mental Health Concerns: There's a growing correlation between high screen time and increased risks of depression and anxiety, especially in younger populations.

  • Impaired Social Skills: Excessive screen usage, particularly in children and adolescents, can hinder the development of essential social skills and interpersonal interactions.

  • Physical Health Issues: Sedentary screen time contributes to obesity, poor posture, and other related health problems, reinforcing a less active lifestyle

If you're feeling the negative effects of excessive screen time, a digital detox may be just what you need to recharge and refocus.

[define: digital detox ]

By taking a break from screens, you can reduce stress and anxiety, improve your sleep quality, and boost your overall well-being. Give it a try and see how it can positively impact your life.

How to Limit Screen Time

So, how can you limit screen time? Making small but meaningful changes is a great way to start. For instance, you could begin by setting a limit on screen time and then gradually move towards bigger changes such as opting for screen-free bedrooms at home. 

But let's not forget that no man is an island.

To effectively limit screen time, consistency and social support are crucial.

Try to involve those around you, whether they are family, friends, or coworkers, because they can boost your efforts by providing a network of accountability as well as encouraging and supporting you.

Here are some simple tips for reducing your screen time, making it a shared and manageable journey towards meaningful changes in your digital life.

Schedule Downtime

In the rhythm of your hyper-connected life, scheduling downtime can sensibly change your relationship with your digital devices. If you schedule times of reduced screen use, you can carve out little moments of peace and disconnection from your digital life and enjoy the here and now. Here’s how you can manage your digital downtime:

  • Select sacred screen-free times: Prioritize certain hours each day, and avoid using screens during meals, like during family times or times with friends and before bedtime.

  • Create tech-free rituals: Establish screen-free routines like morning walks or reading sessions.

  • Embrace digital detox: Dedicate a full day each week to disconnect entirely from technology, a true pause in your digital life.

  • Sync with your circle: Share your downtime schedule with friends and family, so that you can share your digital wellness journey!

Set Limits for Your Digital Communication

Setting limits on digital communication is another significant step you can take to gain better control over your screen time. But beware: this method is not about cutting off communication completely but managing it mindfully so it can respect your time and mental space. Here's how:

  • Choose specific times for checking emails: Choose certain times of the day to check and respond to emails, avoiding constant inbox monitoring.

  • Limit social media engagement: Set a daily or weekly limit for social media use, preventing getting caught up in the net of endless scrolling.

  • Prioritize face-to-face Interactions: Whenever possible, prioritize in-person meetings or phone calls over digital messaging.

  • Turn off non-essential notifications: Silence notifications from social media and other apps to minimize distractions.

  • Use the 'do not disturb' feature during work hours: Activating the 'Do not disturb' mode on your devices during work can help you focus fully on what you're doing.

woman reading a book cover while laying on the grass

Use a Digital Detox App

It might sound slightly controversial, but have you considered using a digital detox app to control your digital habits? As shown in our article on best digital detox apps,  the world is full of amazing apps that can do everything, so why not try a smart app that can help you gain more control over your screen time?

  • App blockers: Use apps that block access to distracting sites and apps during set times.

  • Screen time tracking apps: Monitor your screen time and set limits.

  • Focus-enhancing apps: Utilize apps that promote concentration and limit distractions.

  • Detox challenge apps: Engage in digital detox challenges through dedicated apps.

  • Mindfulness and meditation apps: Use apps that encourage mindfulness as a break from screen time.

Commit to a Replacement Activity

Committing to a replacement activity is a powerful strategy to limit screen time and prioritize well-being! In a short amount of time, this change can help you break the automaticity of reaching for a device, offering healthier alternatives that can lead to new skills, hobbies, and improved social connections. Here's how:

  • Pick up physical activity: Substitute time spent on your digital devices with non-screen activities, including physical exercises like walking, swimming, or yoga, to your routine.

  • Dive into books: Replace online browsing with reading, immersing yourself in different worlds and ideas through literature.

  • Socialize offline: Organize face-to-face meetups, game nights, or outdoor adventures with friends and family.

  • Learn a new skill: Use the time usually spent on screens to learn something new, like a musical instrument, cooking, or a foreign language.

Customizing screen time settings

This is truly like having a personal assistant for your digital habits. Customizing screen time settings can help you be more mindful of your time spent in front of screens, giving you the power to control and manage your digital life and help you focus on what's important.

iOS Users:

  • Set daily screen time limits: Use the 'Screen Time' feature to limit daily usage.

  • Schedule downtime: Designate periods when only essential apps are accessible.

  • Manage app limits: Set specific time limits for individual apps or categories.

Android Users:

  • Use digital wellbeing tools: Monitor your screen time and set goals to reduce it.

  • Activate focus mode: Temporarily pause distracting apps to stay focused.

  • Bedtime mode: Dim your screen and silence notifications to reduce nighttime screen usage.

Build social accountability into your tech use

This is all about creating a supportive environment where your digital habits can be openly discussed and moderated by you and those around you. This approach leverages the power of community and shared goals to keep screen time in check, making it easier to stick to your digital boundaries.

  • Share your screen time goals with friends and family: Let your social circle know about your efforts to reduce screen time, inviting them to join or support you.

  • Create a family or housemate screen time plan: Collaboratively develop a plan that outlines when and how technology will be used at home.

  • Use social activities as screen time alternatives: Plan regular social events, spend quality time with friends that encourage face-to-face interaction, reducing the reliance on digital communication.

  • Discuss the impact of tech use: Regularly discuss how technology affects your life and relationships, encouraging open communication and mutual support.

Tone Down Screen-Based Stimuli

Reducing visual, screen-based stimuli effectively decreases the allure and addictive nature of your device, helping to limit the time spent in front of a screen. Let's see how:

  • Switch to grayscale mode: Change your screen to grayscale to make it less appealing and reduce the time spent on it.

  • Turn off push notifications: Disable non-essential notifications to avoid constant visual prompts to check your device.

  • Reduce screen brightness: Dim your phone’s brightness to lower visual stimulation, especially during evening hours.

  • Organize and simplify your home screen: Keep only essential apps on your main screen to reduce visual clutter and temptation.

  • Use night mode or blue light filter: Activate these settings to reduce eye strain and make extended screen time less enticing.