15 Mindfulness Quotes to Center and Inspire You

If your mind feels like a monkey jumping from branch to branch, swinging from mood to emotion and back again, then you know first hand what mindfulness isn’t.

When you let this “monkey mind” take over, it controls the way you think, feel, and act. And so your life, controlled by your restless  mind, is spent rushing from one place to another, from task to task, often focused on the future or the past. 

How do you step out of the jungle… and back to yourself?

Well, mindfulness helps 🙏🏽

Being mindful means focusing your full attention on the here and now, while stepping into a non-judgmental mindset that allows you to observe what’s happening clearly.

Mindfulness allows you to pause and consider what’s really important in your life, bringing physical and mental benefits - not least, a sense of joy in daily miracles like the sun rising.

Practicing mindfulness may sound simple, but it requires consistent effort, especially if you’re in the habit of letting yourself get distracted or are prone to anxiety.

While there might be many ways to cultivate mindfulness in your life, reading quotes about mindfulness can certainly help to get you started. So here are the best quotes on mindfulness to center you in the present and inspire joy!

the miracle of mindfulness yellow book cover on a wooden table
the places the scare you book cover by pema chodron