Don't Let These Different Types of Burnout Derail Your Life

It's no secret that we live in a crazy, fast-paced world where the pressure just seems to keep on rising.

We are constantly trying to keep up with the demands of our personal and professional lives, without a moment to catch our breath.

That's when it hits you: burnout.

You may feel physical exhaustion or experience emotional signals like anxiety or rumination.

Most likely, you've heard of someone in your circle who has had burnout, or maybe you've experienced it yourself. But even though it's a prevalent issue, coping with it can be a real challenge. The more you understand it and its root causes, the easier it will be to find ways to restore balance in your life. So buckle up! Let’s dive deep into the world of burnout and discover how to deal with it.

What is Burnout?

The term burnout refers to the state of being physically and mentally exhausted while under high stress. You probably associate burnout with your work life, but here's the thing: burnout isn't just limited to the workplace. While it's commonly associated with work-related stress,  chronic workplace stress is not the only root cause of burnout. 

Burnout can be triggered by many, many differet things.

It can occur when you simply bite more than you can chew, overloading your agenda with a crazy amount of tasks you struggle to accomplish. It may also happen when you are going through particularly stressful events in your life.

Is any of this familiar to you?

Then this might be your sign to start acknowledging and acting on your symptoms. In the long run, overlooking burnout symptoms can negatively affect your career, personal life, and overall health. 

How can you identify the red flags of burnout before it spirals out of control?

There are some common warning signs to watch out for. Typically, these include experiencing a profound sense of exhaustion and energy depletion. Additionally, burnout often manifests as an overwhelming feeling of unhappiness. You might feel helpless, emotionally detached, lacking motivation, and losing interest and passion in activities that used to bring you joy.

Burnout Spiral

Burnout doesn't happen overnight. Instead, it may be a natural consequence of a toxic spiral. In fact, according to experts, there are five stages to consider that might lead to burnout if you don’t watch out:

  1. Balance: also known as the honeymoon phase, is the ideal state of balance you experience when you feel optimistic and enthusiastic about your life.

  2. Stress: In this stage, you progressively begin to experience mild symptoms of stress, such as feeling overwhelmed or tired.

  3. Chronic Stress: The feelings of stress you experience are ongoing and persistent, and lead to physical and emotional exhaustion.

  4. Burnout: At this stage, you feel as though you are filled with an intense sense of cynicism, detachment from your work and private life, and a lack of motivation and energy.

  5. Chronic Burnout: As you reach the final stage of burnout, you are entirely familiar with the feelings of burnout. You feel stuck in a dead alley, and feelings like hopelessness and depression can take place.

Stress vs. Burnout

Stress and burnout are very often confused. But beware: burnout is not just about being stressed. 

It may surprise you, but stress is not even wrong. It’s a natural hormonal response to a challenging situation or event. It comes with feelings of irritability and anxiety. However, when you experience healthy stress, you still have the energy and motivation to get things done. 

Burnout, on the other hand, takes things to a whole new level.

It leaves you feel completely disengaged and questioning your self-worth. It's like someone dimmed the lights on your emotions, leaving you emotionally blunted and drained. 

You see, stress is just one piece of the puzzle. Burnout comes knocking on your door when it becomes too intense and chronic and starts interfering with the things that bring you fulfillment in life. And let me tell you, once burnout sets in, the problems begin to pile up. It's like a domino effect that can wreak havoc on your well-being and overall satisfaction.

Three Different Types of Burnout

Burnout is far more complex than you might think! In fact, three distinct types of burnout can sneak into your life and mess with things. Let's dive right in and explore each one:

  1. Overload Burnout 

Ever found yourself working tirelessly, pushing through endless hours without giving yourself a moment to breathe? That's overload burnout. It happens when you consistently operate at an unsustainable pace, leaving you overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the mounting tasks. It's like a never-ending race that leaves you gasping for air.

2. Under-Challenged Burnout 

Picture this: you're at your workplace, but you feel trapped instead of inspired and invigorated. You're craving growth, learning, and new challenges, but you only find monotony and a lack of stimulation. Welcome to under-challenged burnout. It hits when you feel stuck in your job, unable to grow personally or professionally. It's like being trapped in a stagnant pond, desperately seeking a fresh stream to flow into. 

3. Neglect Burnout 

Life throws us curveballs, challenges that test our resilience and adaptability. But what happens when you constantly struggle to find happiness amidst the chaos? That's where neglect burnout comes into play. It occurs when you're in a perpetual battle with feelings of helplessness and disorientation. You're striving for fulfillment, but the challenges and obstacles seem to overshadow any glimmer of hope. It's like trying to navigate a dark maze without a map.

How to Deal with Burnout

When you are more aware of your symptoms and know what type of burnout you have, the next step is to take small but significant steps toward getting better. When doing so, consider these points:

  • Identifying Triggers: It's essential to be aware of the situations that can lead to burnout. The more you know your triggers, the more you can prepare for them. For example, if you're prone to stress when working long hours on a project, then take steps like setting limits on your time at work or delegating tasks with shorter deadlines so they don't pile up and become overwhelming. Avoid toxic productivity and focus on a task at the time.

  • Developing a Support System: no man is an island. Often, all you need to do is to reach out for a helping hand. Consider asking a friend or family member for help, or maybe try to look for support groups online! During difficult times, having people around who care about you can help you stay motivated and happy. Especially when you're feeling burnt out, it's essential to have someone who listens without judgment and can offer advice. 

  • Making Lifestyle Changes: You must first change your habits to improve your situation. It can be a small thing to get enough sleep at night, spend some time outdoors and cultivate a more mindful relationship with digital devices. Simply try to carve out some time for self-care!

  • Set Healthy Boundaries. Set healthy boundaries and try not to have too many expectations from yourself, your work, and the people around you.

  • Seek Professional Help: if things don't seem to improve, ask for help from a qualified mental health professional or other support resources. With the proper support and tools, overcoming burnout and maintaining a healthy, fulfilling life is possible.