10 Best Mindfulness Books On the Power of Presence

infographic of mindfulness books recommended by Simplish set against a pink background

Welcome to Simplish Reads, mindfulness books edition! The busier life gets, the harder (and more important) it is to keep a healthy perspective and cultivate peace of mind. That's why we've curated a collection of mindfulness books; to help you live in the present moment and take life one step at a time.

Our selection of books includes The Power of Now and Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh, among others, ranked according to their helpfulness. Below you’ll find all the information you need to decide which self-help book is right for you.

10 Best Mindfulness Books On the Power of Presence

1. The Art of Simple Living: 100 Daily Practices from a Zen Buddhist Monk for a Lifetime of Calm and Joy by Shunmyo Masuno

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the art of simple living by shunmyo masuno book cover wooden bench against a blue backround

Genre: Self-Help, Philosophy, Zen Buddhism

Vibe: A guide to the inner transformative potential of calmness

Read It If You…

  • Are new to mindfulness practice and would like a practical introduction from a primary source 

  • Enjoy a quiet cup of tea and want more of that experience in your life

  • Need some philosophical motivation to let go of constantly striving for more

Simplify your life, declutter your mind, and uplift your spirit with this step-by-step guide from the Japanese monk and Zen garden designer Shunmyo Masuno.

Quotes from the Art of Simple Living by Shunmyo masuno

Simplish Review of The Art of Simple Living by Shunmyo Masuno

The Art of Simple Living by Shunmyo Masuno is one of those books you can't put away on a shelf for too long. What’s so special about it?

The answer is simple: it gives 100 easy and practical examples of embracing zen philosophy in your everyday life.

The book covers everything from decluttering your space to decluttering your mind. Through its pages, you’ll master a valuable, precious art; finding joy in the simplest things in life.

This book is full of “mindfulness pills”; small nuggets of wisdom that will nourish you daily. With the simple idea that to live mindfully is to live happily, Shunyo Masuno inspires and motivates the reader to understand the practices that build mindfulness.

And he does that with a tone fully infused with the calmness and compassion typical of a Buddhist monk. The invitations might be as simple as encouraging the reader to taste the food, savor every bite, tidy up, stretch, and journal, but Masuno notes that the real power relies on being mindful of the purpose that lies behind every action.

The natural beauty of this book is its clear and honest style, encapsulating the essence of thousands of years of philosophy and making it easily approachable by everyone. 

Yes, I bet even the most skeptical ones will surely have a handful of those “aha!” moments. Like many, I was skeptical myself when I first got my hands on this book. However, I had a drastic change of heart later on. The book offers an honest guide on how to change your life in 100 days. It even includes some blank pages to give you a bit of time to reflect, embrace the teachings, and take some time to breathe consciously. 

Open this book with an open mind and look through the pages with curiosity, leaving behind all preconceptions and expectations. Just let the wisdom of this book reveal itself. Understanding that to be happy, you need to be mindful and really savor the beauty of things is something that will probably change your life if you let it. The small things will impact you, and you will suddenly become more grateful for the things or people you take for granted, leaving you at peace and joyful.

The bottom line? Everyone can achieve an easy, fulfilling life. This practice is also an art if you approach daily life as an opportunity to practice.

2. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

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the power of now book cover by eckhart tolle dreamy aqua green gradient with yellow and white hues

Genre: Self Help, Spirituality, New Age

Vibe: A meticulously crafted treatise on unlocking life’s greatest treasures through presence.   

 Read It If You…

  • Are interested in a non-denominational guide to mindfulness from a Western perspective

  • Want to overcome your ego

  • Want to cultivate spirituality but find yourself overthinking it

This classic guide to unlocking the present moment offers guidance on how to free yourself from the ego's constraints and embrace inner stillness for ultimate fulfillment.

Quotes from The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Simplish Review of The Power of Now By Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now is among the best-selling self-help books ever. It offers profound insights into the nature of consciousness and the importance of living in the present. Readers will find in this book the essence of Tolle's teaching, guided on a journey to transcend regrets and anxieties to embrace the transformative power of presence. 

Through clarity and wisdom, Tolle invites us to awaken to our true nature, find inner peace, and experience a profound shift in our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now is perhaps one of those masterpieces every person seeking change should read. An extraordinary book that explores spiritual awakening and living in the moment. Tolle's insightful teachings and gentle guidance have the potential to transform the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us. A real strength of Tolle's book is his ability to convey complex spiritual concepts clearly and simply, making them accessible to any reader. 

He skillfully articulates the destructive nature of the human ego, which constantly seeks validation, strives for perfection, and dwells in the past or future, trapping us in a vicious cycle of suffering. Through Tolle's wisdom, readers are encouraged to break free from the shackles of the mind and embrace the power of pure presence.

Another aspect that I consider profoundly inspiring is the book's practicality: Tolle provides readers with practical techniques and exercises to cultivate mindfulness and shift their attention to the present moment. 

Tolle emphasizes the importance of observing one's thoughts without judgment, reconnecting with the body, and finding stillness in the chaos of daily life. This book's simple yet powerful practices can profoundly impact our inner peace and well-being.

Each page is filled with golden nuggets of wisdom that inspire self-reflection and offer a fresh perspective on life's challenges. The book is structured in a way that allows for the gradual assimilation of its teachings, making it accessible to readers from all walks of life with clear, concise and deeply insightful prose. The Power of Now is a gentle reminder that true happiness is not found in external possessions or future achievements but in the present moment. Tolle's timeless teachings will help you awaken to your true self, transcend your conditioned mind, and cultivate inner peace and joy.

This book is a masterpiece that has the potential to ignite a spiritual awakening within its readers. Tolle's profound insights and practical guidance make it a valuable resource for anyone seeking a more fulfilling and awakened life. Highly recommended for those who seek to break free from the burdens of the past and worries of the future and embrace the power of the present.

3. The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim

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the things you can see only when you slow down by haemin sunim book cover white cherry tree illustration against a midnight sky

Genre: Self-Help

Vibe: Reflective, contemplative

Read It If You…

  • If you want to live in the present and stop dwelling on the past and future 

  • If you are looking for inspiration related to a mindful life

  • If you want to start a life-changing journey into mindfulness

This book offers a profound message of peace and purpose amid life's chaos. It provides readers with tools for cultivating mindfulness and navigating challenges.

Quotes from The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim

4. Peace is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness In Everyday by Thich Nhat Hanh

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peace is every step book cover by thich nhat hanh, birds eye view of a person holding a red umbrella againstwhite snowy background with a red umbrella

Genre: Self-Help

Vibe: Being conscious and breathing

Read It If You…

  • If you desire practical tools to find peace in everyday moments

  • If you want to experience the benefits of meditation

  • If you are an overthinker

Thich Nhat Hanh invites you to rediscover the beauty of the present moment. He combines personal anecdotes with practical techniques, offering a mindfulness journey to navigating life's complexities.

Quotes from Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh

5. Pause, Rest, Be: Stillness Practices for Courage in Times of Change by Octavia F. Raheem

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pause, rest, be book cover by octavia raheem, tomato red background with gold embossed topographical illustrations

Genre: Self-Help

Vibe: Regenerative, serene

 Read It If You…

  • Love yoga and want to live it

  • Want to blend yoga's wisdom with practical tools for a more balanced life

The book reflects on three restorative yoga poses that help navigate life transitions. Corpse Pose for endings, Side-Lying Pose for in-between, and Child’s Pose for new beginnings. It emphasizes taking it easy, being present, and dealing with emotions.

Quotes from Pause, Rest, Be by Octavia F. Raheem

6. How to be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving by David Richo

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how to be an adult in relationships by david richo book cover, simple cream white background with an orange spine

Genre: Self-Help

Vibe: Empathetic, nourishing

  Read It If You…

  • You're looking for a roadmap to navigate grown-up connection

  • Are on the journey of adulting in your relationships and crave valuable advice

  • Are seeking insights on communication, intimacy, or personal growth

How to Be an Adult in Relationships will teach you how to cultivate loving relationships with mindfulness. You will explore your personal story and how it has led you to this moment.

Quotes from How to be an Adult in Relationships by David Richo

7. Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation for Everyday Life by Jon Kabat Zinn

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wherever you go, there you are book cover by jon kabat-zinn, white block text against a background of the underside of fallen red maple leaves covered in dew

Genre: Self-Help

Vibe: Illuminating

Read It If You…

This book explains mindfulness and teaches simple ways to practice it in everyday life. It helps you be more present, compassionate, and self-aware.

Quotes from Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat Zinn

8. Mindfulness: An 8-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams & Danny Penman

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mindfulness - an 8 week plan for finding peace in a frantic world by mark williams and danny penman, simple white background with gradient text from yellow to blue and illustration of a tangled yellow line drawing connected to a blue spiral

Genre: Self-Help

Vibe: Inspirational

Read It If You…

  • Seek a practical and structured plan to introduce mindfulness into your life

  • You are new to mindfulness

  • Want to explore the connection between mindfulness and genuine happiness

This book is a guide to discovering genuine happiness and peace amid a hectic life. It offers an eight-week plan that helps you understand and practice mindfulness.

Quotes from Mindfulness: An 8-Week Plan for Finding Peace By Mark Williams & Danny Penman

9. The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness: How Mindfulness Can Change Your Life in Ten Minutes a Day by Andy Puddicombe

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the headspace guide to meditation and mindfulness book cover by andy puddicombe, illustration of a boy smiling surrounded by sketches of computers, email, phones, hugging people, a hat, a sun, alarm clock, teapot, coffee cup, toaster, car, and trees

Genre: Self-help

Vibe:  Starter-kit

Read It If You…

The Headspace Guide to Meditation & Mindfulness by Andy Puddicombe is a practical guide to mindfulness and meditation. Andy's simple approach to being present can help bring clarity and calm into your everyday life.

Quotes from The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness by Andy Puddicombe

10. Heal Your Way Forward: The Co-Conspirator’s Guide to an Antiracist Future by Myisha T. Hill

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heal your way forward my myisha t hill book cover, silver art nouveau style text against an eggshell background framed by colorful, abstract blobs in teal, orange, fuschia and grape

Genre: Self-help

Vibe:  Transformative

Read It If You…

  • Are navigating through personal challenges and seeking a holistic approach to healing

  • Desire a guide that combines insightful reflections with practical tools for personal growth and self-discovery

Heal Your Way Forward by Myisha T. Hill is a groundbreaking exploration of antiracism, offering a guide specifically designed for white and white-identifying individuals. Hill's work blends activism and healing, offering a roadmap for positive change toward a more equitable future.

Quotes from Heal Your Way Forward by Myisha T. Hill