A Mindful Guide to Time Management

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Managing time is no easy task. 

As obvious as it might sound, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. And yet.. it seems like it disappears in a flash: you wake up, rush to work or school, maybe have family or friends time and other urgent tasks to complete, and before you know it, it's time to go back to sleep 😴

The worst part is that you end feeling tired when you spend the bulk of your waking hours sitting or doing the same-old same-old.

There is a better way to make the most of your time without feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Keep reading to discover a grounded solution that fits your (real) life and schedule as it is.

Introduction to Time Management

[define: time management ]

While we’re big fans of doing less here at Simplish. When you reflect on time management and apply consistent principles to what you’ll do, when - you’ll cruise through the day you already have planned with a level head. The sense that you are constantly running out of time often stems from a lack of proper planning. With effective time management, you can create a greater sense of ease with hours you have in a day.

Managing your time is a skill and can be trained as any other. Basically, it means controlling which activities you usually do and how much time you spend on each of them. The more understanding you gain of your daily schedule, the better able you will be to manage your time. By keeping track of your time and deciding which activities are worth your attention, you'll see a major shift in your productivity.

What is Mindful Time Management?

A crucial aspect of time management is often overlooked: Self-awareness. The chances are that you repeat the same mistake without even realizing it. 

  • Do you set unrealistic goals for yourself?

  • Do you usually have more tasks than hours in your day?

  • Does even looking at your schedule make you feel overwhelmed? 

Without self-awareness, time management is like running in high heels. While you might make some progress toward the end goal, every step you take in that direction will be painful, frantic and inhibited by short-sighted obstacles. Managing time mindfully, on the other hand, is like switching to comfortable sneakers. Managing time with attention to how and why you are prioritizing activities will allow you to take intentional steps toward your goal while testing your true abilites.

Mindfulness, at its core, means that you are aware of your body, your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Being mindful means, therefore, to be present in the here and now, present with yourself. You're fully aware of your boundaries, possibilities, and needs. Because essentially, it's only by starting from a place of self-awareness that you can make a  concretely effective plan for yourself!

Check your Motivation and Mindset

When managing time effectively, being mindful is not always enough. You might know what you should do, but finding the motivation to actually do it can be tough. It's like knowing you need to go to the gym but lacking the motivation to get up and go. In the same way, you can have all the tools and techniques for managing your time effectively, but we need the motivation to put them into action to ensure we'll stay within our goals. So, it's essential to be mindful and find ways to stay motivated and committed to our time management efforts.

Start by asking yourself, "Why do I need time management?".

Are you striving to boost productivity, achieve a better work-life balance, or establish a more structured routine? Starting with a clear purpose in mind can provide the necessary motivation to make time management an effortless part of your routine. When you have a clear reason, everything else will fall into place naturally! 

Once you've established the purpose behind your quest for productivity, it's time to implement your plan. However, as you do so, your mindset can help or hinder your progress. For this reason, it's essential to recognize whether you're approaching your goals from an abundance or scarcity mindset. A clear understanding of your approach can make all the difference in creating an effective time management strategy.

Are You Operating from an Abundance Mindset or from a Scarcity Mindset?

When it comes to time management, mindset plays a significant role in your success. An abundance mindset approach to time management centers the belief that you have enough time, resources, and opportunities to achieve your goals. In contrast, a scarcity mindset focuses on the fact that your time and resources are limited, and you have to make difficult sacrifices to accomplish your goals.

If you operate from an abundance mindset, you are more likely to take on challenging projects that you can’t do alone, believing you have enough time and support to accomplish everything. This mindset can lead you to success when you moderate it with a dose of realism and a principled approach to delegation, but it can also lead to overcommitment, burnout, and toxic optimism about your limited resources. On the other hand, if you operate from a scarcity mindset, you may be more cautious in taking on tasks and may need help with prioritization and time management.

It's important to note that a mindset is never static - you can shift it with effort and awareness. Shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset can be a game-changer for your productivity and well-being. By focusing on what you have and can achieve rather than what you lack, you can approach time management with a more positive and proactive attitude.

So take a moment to reflect on your mindset towards time management.

  • Do you tend to think in terms of scarcity or abundance?

  • How does your mindset affect your productivity and well-being?

By becoming more aware of your mindset and actively working to shift towards an abundance mindset, you can make significant strides in improving your time management skills and achieving your goals.

Abundance Mindset: You might feel like you have all the time in the world to complete a project, so you procrastinate and only get started once the deadline is looming.

Scarcity Mindset: It may seem like you always need more time to complete everything, so you constantly feel overwhelmed and stressed. You might also take on too many responsibilities because you must make the most of every minute.

Mental Health, Wellbeing and the Whole You

It's tough to take a break and disconnect from our duties when we have so much on our plate. But here's the thing: if you don't take care of yourself, you could end up having a total breakdown. Yes, it's a real thing! And unfortunately, it happens to many people because they're too busy to care for themselves. So, let's make "have a break if you don't want to have a breakdown" your new mantra!

Society has convinced us that being an adult means living a hectic life with little time for self-care. It's like, having a jam-packed schedule is supposed to look cool and "adult-like." But, the truth is, it's not worth it if it leads to stress and burnout.

Remember to ask yourself, "What truly makes me happy?" Is it yoga or meditation? Maybe it's hanging out with friends or taking a relaxing bath with candles. Whatever it is, make sure you include it in your schedule because self-care is essential to your overall health. Remember, just like you need to take care of your body by eating right and exercising, you also need to care for your mind by giving it the nourishment and peace it deserves.

Build your Time Management Toolkit

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After you know how to approach time management, it's time to prop yourself up with the right tools! Learning new skills and specific techniques are crucial time management tools to help you manage your time completely stress-free. In addition, technology can be a total game changer when it comes to tracking and implementing proper time management. Here are a few things you should know about these tools!

Mindful Time Management Skills

None comes to this planet knowing exactly how to manage their time. But it's something you learn with experience. For this reason, to concretely enact a strategy, you must first understand some critical time management skills. Remember that mindfulness is essential when managing time, so always try to figure out if your plan resonates with you. Here are some time management basics:https://simplish.co/blog/principles-of-delegation

  • Set goals that are actually achievable.

  • Batch tasks together: see if you can batch more tasks together!

  • Learn to prioritize and understand the urgent tasks that require immediate attention.

  • Don't procrastinate, be in the here and now.

  • Don't be afraid to delegate tasks to someone else!

  • Understand your boundaries and learn to say no.

  • Avoid multitasking. Remember, you're not a robot!

Mindful Time Management Strategies

As you probably know, you can choose from millions of different time management tips, techniques, and strategies. To inspire you, here are some of the most effective time management techniques:

  • Make a list of all the usual tasks you have in one day.

  • Shut down all distractions. When you're focusing on a task, don't feel obliged to pick up phone calls unless urgent, and block distracting websites.

  • Use task management tools, such as time-boxing.

  • Understand your natural energy curve: are you more of an early bird or a night owl?

  • Schedule free time for self-care

  • Use a timer to track time spent on tasks

  • Remember less is more. Don't add too many tasks to your schedule!

Not all of these strategies work for everyone. That's why it's essential to approach time management with mindfulness. Effective planning starts with understanding what's actually working for you and what’s not rather than using the techniques that everyone else is using. What might work for you can be entirely ineffective for someone else.

Essential Technology & Tools for Staying on Track

As we've seen before, technology can be incredibly useful in time management. Thanks to timers, to-do lists, and plan-making apps, you can make time management a real breeze! The thing is that nowadays, there's such a vast universe of apps and tools for time management that it can be pretty confusing to know which ones are actually valid. Do not worry, though, because we've gathered the best tools that will make managing time effortless:

  • Toggle: Time-tracking app that helps you monitor the time you spend on tasks and projects.

  • Timecamp: Time tracking software that provides features such as billing, invoicing, and project management.

  • Scoro: All-in-one business management software that includes project management, time tracking, invoicing, and CRM.

  • Evernote: Note-taking app that captures and organizes ideas, tasks, and notes across multiple devices.

  • Proofhub: Project management software that allows you to collaborate with team members, manage projects, and track progress.

  • Google Calendar: Calendar app that allows you to schedule and organize events, meetings, and appointments.

  • Zapier: Web automation tool that allows you to connect and automate various web applications without coding.


Did you know that the words you use to describe yourself can affect how you think and behave? It's true. Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool for improving your mindset and boosting productivity. By speaking encouraging words to yourself, you can help motivate yourself to make positive changes in your life. Here’s how to use affirmations to help you take control of your time and achieve your goals.

  1. Decide on a purpose: do you need reassurance? Or maybe you need to boost your confidence? Or do you need to keep your spirits high?

  2. Keep it short and sweet: it should be easy to remember!

  3. Keep it authentic: remember that the affirmation should resonate with you.

  4. Decide when and how to use it: choose whether you feel like saying your affirmation out loud (for example, in front of a mirror) or just need to repeat it mentally.

  5. Use it consistently: the more often you repeat it the higher the chance that you can concretely see things change.

The following are examples of affirmations for managing your time mindfully:

  • I am in control of my time and manage it wisely.

  • I prioritize my tasks and focus on what truly matters.

  • I am present in the moment and fully engage in each task.

  • I set realistic goals and achieve them one step at a time.

  • I use my time wisely and make progress towards my goals every day.

  • I take regular breaks to recharge my mind and body.

  • I am capable of achieving a healthy work-life balance.

  • I trust my abilities to manage my time effectively and efficiently.

  • I am mindful of distractions and maintain my focus on important tasks.

  • I value my time and use it to create a fulfilling life.

Embrace Social Accountability and Support Colleagues, Friends, and Family

Let's face it: life can be overwhelming - and we need all the help we can get.

In fact, asking for help can be a game-changer in managing your time and achieving your goals. Whether it's reaching out to a therapist, mentor, friend, or family member, you don't have to face challenges alone. Here are some ways to get the support you need:

Share your Intentions and Plans

Sharing your ideas and plans with others can spark inspiration and open up new possibilities. Plus, it's a great way to find motivation and support. When you share your projects, you also make your relationships stronger, as people feel included in your life.

Join an Accountability Group

Accountability groups are formed by like-minded people who exchange ideas, share knowledge, and support each other in achieving their goals. Especially after the covid 19 pandemic, the use of accountability groups has literally skyrocketed. So you will surely find a team that's truly meant for you! The easiest option is to look online and see if you can find what you want. Otherwise, a good alternative would be to try and group up some like-minded people at your workplace or in your circle of friends to see if you can all work as a team!

Seek Mentorship

Another good option when you're building the right approach to time management is to reach out to an expert who can assist you and help you find the right strategy. You can try asking more seasoned coworkers to be your mentor at your workplace, or you can simply look up online! The internet is full of people willing to offer their expertise to help someone!