6 Signs You Should Manage Your Energy Instead of Your Time

clock with some flags underneath

Know those days when you wake up feeling like you could climb Mount Everest? What a beautiful feeling, isn't it? You open your eyes and feel filled with boundless energy, positivity, and an overwhelming zest for life 🌈

And there are days when you wake up feeling completely drained, as if you had just returned from a grueling expedition to Mount Everest. You feel completely worn out and your mood reflects your level of energy.

Perhaps you find yourself alternating between these two scenarios more often than you'd like. What if I told you that you can learn to manage your energy and achieve overall well-being? That's precisely the magic of energy management. Rather than concentrating solely on time management, energy management involves a comprehensive view of personal energy and vitality. Vitality, in turn, drives our actions and productivity. 

In this article, we'll explore the secret world of energy management, why it matters now more than ever, and how you can take inspiration from ancient philosophies to care for all aspects of yourself. By the end, you'll be armed with practical tips to harness your energy, boost productivity, and live life to the fullest 🌟

What Is Personal Energy Management?

Personal energy is tapping into your inner power station and unleashing the vitality that fuels your life. It follows pretty much the same logic behind charging your phone. After feeling drained, you take a break to recharge your mental and physical batteries and get ready for another day.

As you can imagine, since energy management is a real art, it takes skills and experience to really master it. But you’ll find the right way to do it with a bit of time, effort, and patience. This way, you can become the captain of your own ship, wisely navigating through challenges with vigor and gracefully riding the waves of life's demands. And this, of course, will positively impact both your personal and work life, allowing you to draw more energy into your everyday life.

[define: energy management ]

Why Managing Your Energy Is the Most Important Thing You Can Do Today

Imagine having a full day ahead. Your schedule is literally packed with chores. Still, you can't help but feel lazy and sloppy. You're mentally foggy and emotionally drained. Every action is so effortful that it feels like you're walking in quicksand. 

How can you complete all your tasks if you don't have the energy to face the day? It is, therefore, crucial to know how to tap into the vital energy you need to get through every day. Energy management is simply the fuel that propels us forward, enabling us to seize opportunities and overcome challenges with vigor and clarity.

Managing your energy is the ultimate secret weapon that can unlock endless possibilities.

Forget about time management; energy is the currency that determines your life's quality.

It's like having a superpower that can magically transform your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. So, if you want to seize the day, conquer challenges, and live life to the fullest, managing your energy is the one thing you must do today and every day.

The Mental Shift: Resisting Time Management as the Primary Organizational Principle of Your Day

Time management has been the golden rule for ages, but we cannot assume time management has the power to solve every problem. Being good at time management is vital, but there will be days when you must drag yourself to the end. 

It's easy to get addicted to that feeling when you check a task off your bucket list, but life doesn't fit merely into time blocks since we're not computers. Essentially, it's not about stuffing every minute with tasks; it's about making every moment count. 

Embrace the energy-first approach, and you'll uncover the magic of aligning your tasks with your peak vitality. So get ready to say goodbye to constant clock-watching and hello to a flexible, efficient, and stress-free day where your energy reigns supreme because, in the end, it's all about managing your energy, not your time.

lanes in a swimming pool

How to Manage Your Energy Holistically 

Energy. For many Westerners, energy is merely a physical concept, but when we consider Eastern culture, energy has a whole different meaning. Among the various Eastern philosophies and cultures that describe energy management, perhaps the most fascinating theory is that of the so-called "Koshas". This concept originates from the Upanishads, ancient Indian texts that explore the nature of reality and consciousness.

The concept of koshas refers to different layers or sheaths that envelop the true self or "atman." Each layer represents a level of being, from the physical body to the highest level of spiritual consciousness.

By recognizing and nurturing all the layers of the koshas, you can achieve a deeper level of energy management, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

So let's cut to the chase and explore more about the fascinating world of koshas.

The Body

The physical body, the outermost kosha, is called Annamaya Kosha, and it's the most tangible aspect of ourselves. This is our sacred temple, and as you know, caring for the body is crucial for maintaining healthy energy levels and ensuring overall well-being. But what are the utmost essential tips you can observe when managing your physical energy? Some of them are:

  1. Prioritize Sleep: Ensure you rest enough to rejuvenate your body and mind.

  2. Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activities that you enjoy to boost energy and reduce stress.

  3. Balanced Nutrition: Eat a well-rounded diet with essential nutrients for sustained vitality.

  4. Mindful Movement: Practice yoga or other mindful movement to connect with your body and increase energy flow.

  5. Hydration: We're made mainly of water, so remember to stay hydrated throughout the day to support bodily functions and energy levels!

The Breath

We come to this world with one breath, and we leave this world making the same action. The breath is so powerful yet sometimes so overlooked. Our breath, the so-called pranamaya kosha, acts as a bridge between the physical body and the mind. It represents the vital life force within us, and managing it can significantly impact our energy levels. Here are some tips that can help you manage energy management at this level:

  1. Conscious Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm the mind and increase the oxygen supply to the body.

  2. Breath Awareness: Cultivate awareness of your breath throughout the day to stay present and centered.

  3. Breathing Techniques: Explore different pranayama practices to influence energy levels and balance the mind.

The Emotions

Our emotions are so important, yet sometimes so hard to manage. How often do we worry or get angry and then feel completely depleted of our energy? This is because we tend to have little control over our emotional world. It's important to take care of our emotions, to become aware of them, to embrace them, and to be able to let them go when needed. Emotional energy, known as the manomaya kosha, affects our energy levels and influences how we interact with the world. Here are some essential steps you can take to balance your emotional energy:

  1. Emotional Awareness: Pay attention to your emotions and their impact on energy and well-being.

  2. Emotional Expression: Find healthy ways to express and release emotions, such as journaling or talking to someone you trust.

  3. Positive Surroundings: Surround yourself with positivity and supportive relationships to boost emotional energy. 

the wheel of emotions

The Intellect

Do you know the saying: "A healthy body in a healthy mind?" Nurturing the intellect is crucial as it can contribute to clear thinking and efficient energy use. The intellect is what the Hindus describe as vijnanamaya kosha, which is the sheath that governs our thoughts, beliefs, and cognitive processes. Here are some tips for energy management at this level:

  1. Focus and Prioritize: Set clear intentions and prioritize tasks to maintain mental clarity and conserve energy.

  2. Limit Multitasking: Avoid multitasking, as it can deplete mental energy and reduce productivity.

  3. Continuous Learning: Engage in activities that stimulate your intellect, such as reading, problem-solving, or learning new skills.

The Spirit

That inner flame, the soul, can be considered that connection between our physical bodies and the divine. The innermost kosha, the anandamaya kosha, represents our spiritual essence and connection to something greater than ourselves. Caring for the spirit is vital for finding meaning and purpose in life, directly impacting our energy levels. What are the best ways to manage the energy contained within this sheath? 

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness and meditation to connect with your inner self and find clarity and peace.

  2. Gratitude Practice: Cultivate gratitude to shift your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant, promoting positive energy.

  3. Engage in Meaningful Activities: Pursue activities that align with your values and sense of purpose, providing a source of inspiration and vitality.

6 Signs You Should Manage Your Energy Instead of Your Time

Do you know what signs indicate it's time for a change of perspective? There are plenty, but these are the major red flags that can help you gain more clarity and trigger a positive difference in your life.

Constant Fatigue and Lethargy

Feeling chronically tired and lethargic, even after sufficient sleep, indicates that you need to focus on energy management. That's why engaging in activities that boost your energy levels, such as exercise, meditation, or time in nature, can help you feel more revitalized and focused throughout the day.

Lack of Focus and Productivity

If you find yourself easily distracted, struggling to concentrate on tasks, and unable to maintain productivity, it might be time to shift your attention to energy management. A scattered mind is often a sign of depleted mental energy. By incorporating practices like mindfulness and taking short breaks to recharge, you can enhance your cognitive abilities and regain focus, making you more efficient in your work.

Frequent Mood Swings and Emotional Volatility

Are you experiencing frequent mood swings, irritability, or emotional ups and downs? Well, that may indicate an imbalance in your emotional energy. Engaging in activities that promote emotional resilience, such as practicing gratitude, journaling, or seeking support from loved ones, can help stabilize your emotions and increase your overall energy levels.
Persistent Physical Conditions

Frequent illnesses, headaches, or bodily discomfort can be signs of physical energy depletion. By prioritizing your physical well-being, you can enhance your body's resilience and prevent illnesses that may disrupt productivity.

Struggling to Cope with Stress

When stress becomes overwhelming and starts affecting your well-being and performance, it's a red flag that energy management should be a top priority. Finding healthy coping mechanisms, such as the one listed above, can help you build resilience to stress and prevent burnout.

Lack of Enthusiasm and Joy

Are you feeling uninspired and lacking enthusiasm for your daily activities? That can be a sign your energy is not being properly managed. Prioritizing energy involves engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, personally and professionally. Rediscovering your passions and purpose can infuse your life with renewed energy and motivation.