When Is the Best Time to Read?

pile of books with a pair of glasses on top

Diving into the pages of a book is one of life's greatest pleasures đź“š

Reading combats boredom, makes us more empathetic and provides a steady, calming point of focus amidst the many distractions of the internet. And of course, reading maintains a healthy and lively brain 🧠

If you’re an ambitious reader, you’ve probably noticed that the quality of your reading sessions varies depending on the time of day. So, when is the best time to read? Can you boost the benefits of reading simply through some smart scheduling?

That’s what we’ll explore in this article by unpacking the science of good timing 🕒 Learn about the prime hours for reading according to neuroscience and get tips for maintaining focus while you read for any time of the day.

Is There Really A Best Time to Read? 

Forget the excuse "it's not the right time to read" because there is no wrong time for reading. It’s all about having good time management and finding the best moment to keep turning those pages. Morning reading offers different benefits than evening reading, but the best time depends on your needs and priorities. 

Here's what you need to know about optimal reading times. Certain moments are more conducive than others, influenced by factors like your body's natural clock (circadian rhythm), daily routine, and even those pesky stress cycles. 

The Best Time to Read According to Your Unique Circadian Rhythm

[define: Circadian Rhythm ]

When it comes to managing energy, our bodies are experts. Would you like to know the secret behind this incredible feat? It's all about circadian rhythms, the natural 24-hour cycles within our bodies. By working together with cues from the environment, they set the pace for your day. 

Take daylight, for instance – when your body's clock recognizes nighttime, it releases melatonin, guiding you toward sleep. But here's the twist: Everyone's got their own rhythm. You might be a night owl, rocking the late hours, or an early bird, doing your best work early in the day. When it comes to finding the perfect time to read, your body holds the key. So, by tuning in and listening to your body's unique beat, you can uncover the optimal moments for your reading adventures. After all, your body knows best!

The Best Time to Read According to Your Daily Schedule

Amid the hustle and bustle of your everyday life, reading opportunities await. The key lies in discovering those pockets of time during which you can let your mind wander among the words on the page without being distracted by the world around you. And to do so,  time management plays a fundamental role.

Preparing yourself in advance and organizing your time during the day has many benefits, some more obvious than others. For instance, breaking down tasks, allocating time blocks, and setting priorities enables you to tackle challenges with a clearer, more composed mindset. Also, planning your day helps you find time for yourself.

So, if you want to read more, make time for it. Get ready by organizing your day. You can even use a bullet journal to help you stay on track. Doing this will make you more focused and motivated, and get stuff done. 

open books with a cup of coffee on top

The Best Time to Read According to the Natural Stress Cycles of Your Day

Reading is proven to reduce stress levels. When you read a good book, you lose yourself in it and distance yourself from the world around you. Your imagination takes the lead, whisking you away to new places and adventures.

A reading session following a stressful or anxiety-provoking activity can re-balance your brain. Even if you're not feeling up to it initially, give it a shot. Take a deep breath, step away from whatever's bothering you, and dive into a different world through a story.

Whether it's during your lunch break, before bed, or even during a quick breather, make reading a part of your stress-busting toolkit.

Don't let it take center stage the next time stress comes knocking. Instead, reach for that book you've been meaning to read. Embrace the power of a good book to shift your mindset, restore your inner balance, and remind you that amidst the chaos, there's always a peaceful escape waiting between the pages. 

The Best Time to Read According to Your Purpose 

If there isn't one perfect time for reading, how do we know when we should curl up with a book? Here's the trick: it's all about connecting what you know about yourself – your body's inner clock, your daily routine, and how stress comes and goes – with what you want to achieve through reading.

Let's break it down further. Imagine you're on a quest to find your ultimate reading time. The first step is to identify your purpose. Are you reading to unwind, to learn, or to be inspired? Once you've reached your goal, consider the three factors we discussed earlier.

In a nutshell, there's no fixed formula but a tailored approach. You're creating a roadmap to your perfect reading time as you combine your purpose with what you know about yourself - your body's rhythm, your daily rhythm, and how stress rolls in. 

Read In The Morning When You Need to Take Action 

Ever heard the saying, "How you start your day sets the tone"? Well, it's true! Your morning habits can make or break your day. Think about it this way: morning people, guided by their body's natural rhythm, experience a cortisol boost around 7 am. It's like their body's way of saying, "Let's do this!" 

For instance, if you’re a student and are diving into math and English classes, early mornings are your secret weapon. With a well-rested and refreshed mind, you'll easily conquer those subjects.


if your purpose is to get things done, make it a morning ritual to grab your coffee and read.

Your focus and energy will be primed for tackling new challenges and absorbing information at lightning speed. Whether you're an early bird or not, let the morning be your launchpad for action-packed reading sessions!

Read In The Afternoon for Pleasure and Inspiration

When you think about reading, the afternoon might not be the first thing that comes to mind. It's usually buzzing with work, meetings, and to-dos, right?

But here's a secret: the afternoon is your sweet spot for diving into books that bring you joy or spark your creativity. Right after lunch, your thyroid activity slows slightly. That’s when 2 p.m. hits, and post-lunch sleepiness sets in. But within this lull lies an opportunity: your mind becomes a receptive canvas, ready to soak up the ideas that spark your imagination. Sunlight also plays an important role in the afternoon equation, enhancing your focus and aiding your ability to absorb new knowledge.

So, why not transform your daily routine? Instead of powering through the afternoon, take a moment to unwind. Let your mind wander through the pages of your favorite self-help book as you step into the rejuvenating warmth of the sun. Make your afternoons a time for inspiration, relaxation, and reading.

Read In The Evening for Deep Knowledge Integration

Reading in the evening is a good habit for a good night's sleep. With fewer distractions, you can lose yourself in a different world, diverting your thoughts from the day's events. After 10 pm, when your digestion slows and bowel movements are suppressed, make your bedtime routine and lay in bed with your favorite book. Rest your body and travel with your imagination.

đź’ˇ Reading at night doesn't just positively affect falling asleep in a good mood; It also improves information retention. 

The process of memory consolidation, which takes place while you sleep, has a better performance on the last information you manipulated. It's most likely to deeply absorb information if you read them before going to bed. For this reason, most students review again what they studied during the day before bed.

Moreover, it relieves insomnia and promotes a longer sleep duration. Choosing the evening to read books is beneficial not only to your mind but also to your body.

woman reading a book on the floor

Other Important Factors that Affect Your Focus When Reading

Identifying when is the best time to read is not just a matter of circadian rhythms, daily schedules, or stress cycles. It also depends on singular factors that affect your focus while reading. If you are an avid reader, you will know that there are days in which you read the same line repeatedly without catching its meaning. You are reading, but your mind is not there. Here are some possible reasons for this and how you can improve your reading focus.

Factors That Impair Focus When Reading

Many factors can affect temporarily or chronically your concentration and focus. Identifying these factors is important for a correct understanding of your reading skill. In this way, you can manipulate it and get a higher profit.

  • Lack of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, your focus and attention abilities can slow down. In general, you feel less alert and vigilant, making it impossible to think and act normally.

  • Inadequate nutrition and hydration. An unbalanced diet, low in carbs or proteins, can affect your focus when reading. Your body and mind won't work perfectly if you don't get all the necessary nutrients and water. 

  • Physiology and psychological problems. Impairments, such as ADHD, or learning disabilities, could be a serious problem to take into consideration when focusing becomes difficult. But also hormonal changes like menopause might have a decrease in concentration as a symptom.

  • Stress. Not only can stress affect your decision-making and how you feel on a daily basis, but it can also affect your ability to read.

  • Noisy environment. A calm and cozy environment is ideal when it's time to buckle down and focus. Find the right balance - not too cold or too warm, not overly bright or too dim. Eliminate potential distractions and settle into comfort. This way, you'll pave the way for optimal concentration. 

Factors That Improve Focus When Reading

What if you could fine-tune certain factors to increase your reading ability? By focusing on these key elements and incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you'll witness a remarkable surge in your reading productivity. 

  • Healthy nutrition. A balanced diet is necessary for good concentration, of course. Load up on wholesome foods, especially fruits, and veggies, to give your mind and body the energy it needs. Don't forget about the brain-boosting vitamins B and D, they're like superheroes for your cognitive functions.

  • Good night's sleep. A rejuvenating sleep cycle is non-negotiable. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality shut-eye to ensure your mind is refreshed and ready to absorb information.

  • Work out. Aerobic exercise can improve mental focus and attention. Engaging in aerobic activities can be a game-changer for mental focus. Even a brisk walk or a quick jog, whether outdoors or indoors, gets your brain's gears turning and improves concentration.

  • Breath. Deep breaths, deep focus. Harness the power of controlled breathing – inhale deeply, hold for a brief pause, and exhale slowly. It's like a secret weapon for regaining and maintaining your concentration.