Simplish Strategies: How to Make a Crisis Plan

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Crises, by nature, are un-predictable: they generally demand that you drop everything else on your agenda to bail water out of your boat and stay afloat.

While you may not be able to predict exactly what will go wrong (forget about when or how), you can do a lot more than you may think to plan for possible catastrophe - and prevent a bad situation from getting worse.

This is exactly why you need a crisis plan. Creating a thoughtful crisis plan will help you to outline possible paths through difficult situations so you come out safely on the other side.

What Is A Crisis Plan?

A crisis plan is a proactive strategy made in anticipation of potential crises. This approach helps you deal with challenging situations calmly when they come up. When you've already been through a difficult time, it can be scary to think about it happening again. That's where a safety plan comes in handy. It's essentially a list of actions you can take to help yourself if things get tough.

Different kinds of problems require different solutions. You must devise a plan that fits the situation, whether related to your personal life, work, or money. When something goes wrong in a company, crisis management plans can provide guidelines for press management and executive response. If you struggle with mental health issues, like excessive guilt or anxiety, having a mental health crisis plan can be beneficial. So, this planning strategy can be applied by anyone; you just need to identify what types of crises you are dealing with. 

Benefits of Crisis Planning 

Preparing to handle crises is crucial, especially after experiencing a pandemic and seeing how much bigger the problem can become when you are not ready. Surprisingly, the best time to plan for a crisis is when things are going well. Don't wait until you're in the middle of a problem to start planning.

Before creating a plan, it is essential to take some time to think through potential scenarios and develop a course of action. Here are some benefits of creating a safety plan:

  • Maintaining action: When faced with a crisis, it is common to feel overwhelmed and stressed. The process of creating a plan can provide a sense of control and direction, which can, in turn improve your mental state and help you take necessary actions to address the crisis at hand

  • Proactive Solutions: Crisis planning encourages individuals to think proactively about potential problems and develop solutions, fostering a mindset of preparation and prevention.

  • Learning and Improvement: Challenges help us learn and improve our crisis management skills. By continuously learning and improving, individuals and organizations can stay competitive, adapt to changing environments, and achieve their goals more effectively.

  • Reduced Anxiety: Having a crisis plan in place can significantly reduce the stress and anxiety associated with unexpected situations. A well-crafted crisis plan not only ensures that people know what to do in an emergency but can also make you feel more secure and confident when faced with difficult circumstances.

  • Improved Decision-Making: Having a plan reduces the need for impulsive actions, providing a structured guide to follow.

  • Fostered Support Systems: Creating a crisis plan involving others strengthens resilience and support networks during challenging times.

Who Should Make A Crisis Plan?

Everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can benefit from having a crisis plan in place.

However, people facing specific challenges may find crisis planning particularly relevant.  Here is a list of people who may benefit from a safety plan:

  • People with chronic medical conditions or a history of health problems can outline specific measures for managing their health during emergencies and accessing necessary medical care, making it easier and simpler. 

  • Those who live in a region prone to natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods, should have a well-devised crisis plan to ensure the safety and well-being of themselves and their loved ones.

  • Families with young children may find it especially beneficial to have a crisis plan that addresses the needs and vulnerabilities of children during emergencies, including childcare arrangements and communication plans.

  • Individuals living in regions experiencing geopolitical tensions should consider developing crisis plans to address potential disruptions to daily life, including access to essential services and communication strategies.

  • Those caring for elderly family members with health issues should create a crisis plan that ensures the safety and well-being of their loved ones, including access to medical care and support services.

These are just a few examples, but the need for a crisis plan extends to various situations. Whether you're leading a company or find yourself consistently working until exhaustion, susceptible to burnout, creating a crisis plan is a proactive approach to navigating these challenging circumstances.

a girl with sunglasses and headphones checking her phone

How Defining a Crisis Can Help You Handle One

Some people may hesitate to plan for crises as it may cause stress or make them feel vulnerable. However, defining what constitutes a crisis for oneself can empower individuals to control potential challenges. 

A study conducted in 2000 established that a company's perception of crises plays a vital role in taking appropriate action. Similarly, individuals who believe in their ability to handle crises are more likely to respond effectively when faced with adversity.

As you can see, viewing a crisis as an opportunity rather than a roadblock is essential. This prepares you for unexpected situations and improves your mental and emotional well-being. So, crisis planning is about empowerment and self-efficacy rather than succumbing to a victim mentality.

Types of Crises That A Good Plan Can Prepare You For

A well-designed crisis plan can prepare you for personal challenges and larger-scale disasters. Below are some examples of crises for which you can develop a plan:

  • Health-Related Crisis (e.g., Sudden Illness or Injury): Creating a crisis plan can help you prepare for emergencies by clarifying emergency contacts, healthcare directives, and access to necessary medications. This ensures that you receive timely and appropriate medical attention and treatment.

  • Natural Disaster (e.g., Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Wildfires): Planning for natural disasters should include evacuation routes, communication strategies, and provisions for shelter and supplies. A safety plan for this crisis can help minimize the impact of the disaster.

  • Financial Crisis (e.g., Personal or Economic): A financial crisis plan may include emergency funds, budgeting, and contingency plans. It helps maintain financial stability and prepare for unforeseen circumstances.

  • Social or Relational Crisis (e.g., Conflicts, Loss of Support Systems): A safety plan entails developing communication strategies, emotional support networks, and coping mechanisms to navigate interpersonal challenges and maintain overall well-being effectively.

  • Organizational crisis (e.g., Political Instability): In politically unstable regions, a crisis plan should include safety measures, evacuation plans, and communication strategies to ensure individuals' safety and well-being.

A Special Note About Medical Crises

It is crucial to understand that medical emergencies involving life-or-death treatment decisions require specific planning and attention from mental health professionals.

These types of medical crises are beyond the scope of this article. However, medical crisis planning highlights the importance of creating a joint crisis plan, where you and your healthcare professional agree on crucial aspects of your treatment. It also emphasizes the value of an advance statement, a written document expressing your preferences, wishes, and values about your future care. Understanding medical crisis planning empowers you to make informed decisions about your health.

How to Create A Crisis Plan for Peace of Mind 

Creating a crisis plan involves a series of steps to ensure you cover all the key points to handle a problem. To make things easier, you can take advantage of the 7-day free trial of the Simplish app. Simplish can help you create plans ranging from daily to-dos to crisis management. Here are the key steps to consider when making a crisis plan:

  1. Define Your Crises: Identify and define the types of crises relevant to your situation.

    It is crucial to define the crisis to create a customized plan based on its reasons. This plan can address various situations, including health emergencies, natural disasters, personal challenges like burnout, or geopolitical uncertainties.

  2. Assess Your Resources: Evaluate the resources at your disposal.

    Consider your support networks, financial reserves, emergency supplies, and any other assets that might be crucial in different crisis scenarios. This means considering factors such as the size and reliability of your social circle, the amount of money you have set aside for unexpected expenses, and the availability of basic necessities like food, water, and medical supplies In this way, you know what you count on and make the plan accordingly.

  3. Develop Emergency Kits: Once your resource list is ready, it is time for your emergency kits. 

    This includes essential documents, supplies, medications, and other items relevant to potential crises. Having these kits readily available can streamline your response in urgent situations and help ensure that you and your loved ones are prepared for any emergency that comes your way

  4. Establish Communication Plans: Create clear communication plans for various situations.

    Ensure that your loved ones know about your plan and have access to important contact information. It's recommended that you share your plan with your close ones and provide them with relevant contact details of emergency services, healthcare providers, and key individuals who can offer assistance during challenging times. This step is vital for maintaining connections and support during challenging times.

  5. Regularly Review and Update Your Plan: A crisis plan is not a one-time task; it requires regular review and updates. 

    To ensure that your plan is effective and meets your goals, it is crucial to review it periodically. As circumstances change over time, there may be unforeseen challenges or opportunities that could impact your plan. By reviewing your plan regularly, you can identify any necessary adjustments and take appropriate action

    By following these steps and utilizing tools like the Simplish app, you can create a comprehensive crisis plan that addresses potential challenges and provides peace of mind and confidence in navigating crises effectively.