How to Channel Your Energy Into Your Best Self

three baloons against a baby pink background, one white, one light pink, one fuschia, in progressive order

✨ Energy ✨

It's the fuel that moves the world, that spark that ignites your passions, that life force that can propel you forward. When you tap into your inner energy with structured methods, you can channel it toward your goals and self-empowerment.

What Does Channeling Energy Actually Mean?

‘Channeling energy’ may sound like some kind of psychic technique, but it’s based in the same basic scientific principles that we learned in school:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed - but it can be transformed. The same goes for your personal energy.

Have you ever noticed that when you feel fully present, your energy is centered and grounded, anchoring you in place? Or, when you feel attraction toward someone, you feel a sudden shift of magnetic energy toward them? In these examples, energy becomes more than a physical experience; it draws your mind toward the stimuli as well. As the saying goes:

Where the mind goes, energy follows.

With a few simple techniques, you can learn to harness your own energy and direct it with purpose. This process is also known as energy work. There are various ways to work on your energy, including practices like Reiki, qigong, Tai Chi, Pranic Healing, and crystal healing that involve techniques like touch, intention, visualization, and focused awareness.

Different Types of Energy

Energy is a unifying force of the universe. In this section, we’ll explore the different types of energy described by the ancient yogic tradition, which calls them chakras.

abstract gradient image with bright pink, orange red and yellow forms blending into a warm energetic color field

Chakras are powerful energy centers, and they're traditionally believed to be aligned along the spine, from the root to the crown of the head. Chakras are perhaps the best way to get in touch with your energy, and when you start becoming conscious of them, you can tap into the energy of these centers to cultivate balance, harmony, and well-being in your life. Here are the seven chakras, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head:

  • Root Energy (Muladhara Chakra): This type of energy is associated with your foundation, stability, and sense of safety. It's like the roots of a tree firmly grounding you deep down into the earth. When your root energy is balanced, you feel grounded, centered, and fully present.

  • Sacral Energy (Svadhisthana Chakra): This energy is related to your emotions, and creativity. When your sacral energy is flowing freely, you can experience a sense of healthy emotional expression and a creativity boost.

  • Solar Plexus Energy (Manipura Chakra): This energy represents your inner strength and self-esteem. When your solar plexus energy is balanced, you feel motivated, assertive, and capable of achieving your goals.

  • Heart Energy (Anahata Chakra): This energy is centered around love and compassion. When your heart energy is open, you experience empathy, kindness and compassion,

  • Throat Energy (Vishuddha Chakra): This energy relates to communication and the ability to speak your truth. When the energy of this chakra is balanced, you can freely and effortlessly communicate your thoughts and ideas but it also allows you to actively listen to others.

  • Third Eye Energy (Ajna Chakra): This energy is associated with intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. It's like a beam, which light helps you see beyond the surface. When your third-eye energy is activated, you can experience a heightened sense of perception, clarity of thought, and trust in your intuition.

  • Crown Energy (Sahasrara Chakra): This energy is connected to your spirituality and higher self. It's like a radiant halo above your head. When this energy is balanced, you can experience a deep sense of connection to the divine, inner peace, and a broader perspective on life.

Getting Started with Channeling: Build Energetic Self-Awareness

Being energetically self-aware means being attuned to the subtle energetic aspects of yourself, such as emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations. By developing this self-awareness, you can engage in energy practices with greater clarity, intention, and positive outcomes. And that is so because energetic self-awareness allows you to recognize and align with your authentic self. And when you align with your true self you can establish healthy energetic boundaries because you'll know which practices may be detrimental to your energy.

How to Channel Your Energy into Your Best Self

abstract gradient image with gray-blue, foggy white and violet forms blending into a cool energetic color field

One of the most powerful techniques to channel energy is through the practice of Hatha-based Pranayama, which are ancient and incredibly effective breathing exercises in yoga. Breath is really a superpower that can tell you all about the state of the mind and of the body.

Think about it: When you have feelings like fear or nervousness, your breath is fast and shallow, whereas when you're calm and relaxed your breath is slow-paced and deep.

The following is an insanely simple Pranayama technique to tap into your inner dynamo, transforming anxious and stagnant energy into a healing force that can restore your body and clear your mind. Here’s how to do it:

1. Set your space and dive into complete stillness.

Start by finding a quiet space where you can stay unbothered for a while; ideally try to carve out some time for the practice early in the morning, when your mind is calm and your body is relaxed.

2. Tune out (to tune in).

Begin by finding a comfortable seated position and bring your attention to the breath. Begin to tune out with any external distractions and tune in with your breath, just focus on its natural inflow and outflow.

3. Connect the body to the mind.

Place the left hand on the heart space and the right hand on the belly. Feel the connection to your body, your heart beating under your left hand, your belly gently rising and falling with each breath.

4. Inhale and exhale.

Take a deep inhalation and bloat your belly, then feel the breath reaching and expanding the ribcage and then traveling its way to your collarbone. As you breathe, visualize drawing in fresh energy with each inhale and releasing any stagnant or negative energy with each exhale.

5. Let it all out.

From here, you could try to shift the focus to a specific area, or maybe you can simply feel the energy flowing in and out of your entire system. Try to do at least ten full rounds of this Pranayama, and then witness the magic happen!

Tips for Channeling Your Energy

Mastering the energy doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process. So be patient, explore different techniques, and find what resonates with you. Here are five tips to get you started on your energy-channeling journey:

  • Grounding and Centering: grounding yourself means connecting with the present moment.

  • Meditation: try using guided meditation techniques that focus on awareness and intention setting.

  • Visualization: Harness the power of visualization to direct and amplify the flow of energy. Try to imagine, for example, vibrant, glowing light of energy moving through your body.

  • Movement and Flow: Engage in physical movements that encourage the flow of energy, such as yoga, tai chi, or dance. Allow your body to move intuitively, following the natural rhythms and energy within you.

  • Self-Reflection and Intuition: Cultivate self-awareness and trust your intuition. Pay attention to the subtle sensations, emotions, and insights that arise during your energy-channeling practice. Maybe try also writing down affirmations or journaling to get a clearer overview of your emotional landscape.

Projecting Positive Energy vs Faking Happiness and Confidence (Yes, There’s a Difference)

Projecting positive energy and faking happiness may appear to share the same external cues, but they aren’t the same at all from an energetic perspective.

Projecting positive energy stems from an inner state of alignment and well-being, and it is an authentic expression of your true self.

On the other hand, faking happiness and confidence is primarily concerned with masking what’s really there, whether that’s insecurity, unhappiness, discomfort, irritation, or any number of other valid human emotions.

Authenticity is essential in energy projection. Forcing yourself to project positivity when you don’t genuinely feel positive creates a dissonance between your inner state and what you express outwardly. It is crucial to acknowledge your emotions, instead of trying to project positive energy when feeling emotionally unsettled.