How to Craft a Personal Purpose Statement (+Examples)

What if I told you there's a simple hack to break free from the daily grind and reconnect with your inner purpose? It's called a Personal Purpose Statement, the secret weapon of every successful person out there. 

If you ever feel like you're running on a hamster wheel, spinning round and round without any end in sight, you’re in the right place. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, to lose sight of what truly matters and why you're doing what you're doing. Thankfully, discovering your Personal Mission Statement can help you lead a more purpose-filled life.

This powerful tool acts like a compass, guiding you towards a more fulfilling and balanced life. So, let's find your own Personal Purpose Statement and start living a life that truly lights you up!

What is a Personal Purpose Statement?

A Personal Purpose Statement is a written declaration and a clear roadmap that aligns your actions with your core values and goals. Creating a personal purpose statement is all about figuring out what you care about and then putting it into words that inspire you and help guide your choices.

Goals vs. Purpose Statement

Mixing up the terms "goals" and "purpose statement" is common, but it's essential to recognize the significant distinction between them. Life goals are specific and actionable steps you set to achieve within a defined timeframe. Long-term goals can be set for your career, personal, and professional growth. 

On the other hand, a purpose statement is an effective tool that defines the fundamental reason or motivation behind your actions and aspirations. 

While short-term and long-term goals focus on what and how you plan to achieve something, a Life Purpose Statement centers on why you want to accomplish it, helping you find a deeper sense of purpose and direction toward your dream life.

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Mission Statement vs. Purpose Statement

Have you ever wondered what drives successful individuals and companies to achieve their goals? The answer lies in their clear sense of purpose and direction, often articulated through a personal mission statement or a purpose statement. These statements guide decision-making and goal-setting, defining what they do, whom they serve, and why they do it.

A personal mission statement serves as a concise summary of a company's purpose, goals, and objectives. It defines what the company does, its primary products or services, and the target audience it serves. A personal mission statement answers the "what" question.

On the other hand, a purpose statement is a more personal and powerful statement articulating an individual's motivations and aspirations. It is a statement that defines the "why" behind an individual's actions or decisions, the life principles that motivate you.

Vision Statement vs. Purpose Statement

In today's fast-paced world, individuals and organizations must have a clear sense of direction. This is where vision and purpose statements come in. While they may sound similar, there are essential differences between the two.

A personal vision statement is like a snapshot of an organization's future. It sets out what the organization wants to accomplish in the long run and where it hopes to end up eventually. 

On the other hand, a purpose statement is about what inspires an individual's current actions. It clarifies why they do what they do and what they hold dear.

Everyday Benefits of Creating a Personal Purpose Statement

Are you looking for ways to add more purpose and meaning to your life? One effective method is to create a personal statement that aligns your actions with your values. Doing so can bring greater happiness and satisfaction to your everyday life.

By ensuring that your decisions align with your core values, this tool can assist in avoiding the constant struggle of balancing work and personal life, helping you find a harmonious lifestyle. You can focus on what truly matters to you with a clear sense of prioritization. Additionally, a personal statement can improve:

  • Authenticity and Self-Awareness: It promotes authenticity by encouraging individuals to live in alignment with their true selves, fostering self-awareness and genuine connections with their actions.

  • Motivation and Resilience: It serves as a source of motivation and resilience, helping individuals stay focused on long-term objectives and overcome complex decisions with a positive mindset.

  • Prioritization of Meaningful Activities: It helps you figure out what's essential and what's not, preventing the conflict that can often arise between personal and professional life.

  • Positive Impact: By considering what the world needs, the purpose statement reinforces a sense of social responsibility, allowing individuals to contribute positively to their community or society.

  • Well-being and Satisfaction: Living in alignment with your purpose enhances overall well-being, contributing to a greater sense of satisfaction and contentment in daily life.

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How to Create a Personal Purpose Statement Using the Principles of Ikigai

Crafting a personal purpose statement rooted in the principles of Ikigai involves a thoughtful, step-by-step process. Ikigai is a term that originated in Japan and is all about finding your life's purpose. The people of Japan are known for their longevity, which is not a coincidence with their mantra. Finding your "why" can change everything. So, here is a step-by-step guide to help you discover your personal purpose.

Step 1: What do you Love?

The first step to creating your Purpose Statement is to identify what you love. Determining where to go is difficult without knowing what sparks your heart. Take some time to reflect on activities or aspects of your life that bring you joy and fulfillment. Consider your passions and the things that make you lose track of time. Whether it's a hobby, a specific type of work, or a particular role in your personal life, pinpointing what you genuinely love will lay the foundation for a purpose statement that resonates with your heart and soul.

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Step 2: What are you good at?

Next, you should explore your natural strengths and core skills. You can even ask close people to identify your central skills. This will help you recognize the areas where you excel, personally and professionally. You need to acknowledge the unique talents and capabilities that set you apart from others. By identifying and leveraging your strengths, you can align your purpose statement with your inherent abilities. This will ensure that it reflects your authentic and capable individual.

Step 3: What can you get paid for?

When creating a purpose statement, it is essential to consider practicality. You should evaluate your skills and identify activities that can be translated into a viable career or source of income. This involves aligning your passions and strengths with opportunities in the professional realm. Identify areas where your skills are in demand and can contribute to financial stability. By incorporating this element, your purpose statement becomes a source of personal fulfillment and a practical guide for sustaining your lifestyle.

Step 4: What does the world need?

Lastly, it is essential to consider how your actions can impact the world around you. Identify the needs of your community, society, or even the broader world. Try to find ways through which your passions and skills can be utilized to address the needs that exist around you.

Connecting your purpose to a wider sense of contribution adds a layer of meaning and social responsibility to your statement. It reinforces the idea that your purpose is not only for personal fulfillment but also for positively impacting the world.

5 Tips for Writing a Personal Purpose Statement

Taking the time to write a Personal Purpose Statement can be a transformative experience. It can help you gain deeper insight into your core values, passions, and aspirations. You can create a roadmap for living a more meaningful and fulfilling life by articulating a clear and compelling statement of your purpose. So here are 5 tips to help you make conscious choices that align with your goals and values

  1. Identify your core values.

Identifying your core personal values is integral to crafting a meaningful purpose statement. Reflect on the non-negotiable principles in your relationships and life—the beliefs that guide your decisions and actions. Incorporating these values into your statement ensures that it reflects the authentic and unwavering aspects of your character.

2. Reflect on the significant moments in your life.

Take a moment to reflect on the aspects of your life that have brought you joy and fulfillment. Think about what makes you feel alive and the moments that have significantly impacted your personal growth, even if they were challenging. Consider times when you made difficult choices. You can craft a powerful personal statement by identifying and reflecting on your story. 

3. Consider your impact.

Think about the impact you want to have on the world. How do your passions, skills, and values contribute to the greater good? Considering the broader impact of your purpose statement adds depth and social responsibility, turning it into a guiding force not only for personal fulfillment but also for making a positive contribution to the world.

4. Start brainstorming!

It's time to start brainstorming ideas for your personal statement. You have the necessary tools - your values, story, and future impact - to create a statement that represents you. To get started, seek inspiration from personal purpose statement examples from people you admire. Think about adjectives, verbs, and objects that inspire you, and write down every idea that comes to mind.

5. Keep it concise.

While articulating your purpose, aim for clarity. Keep your statement concise, focusing on the core elements that truly define your purpose. A well-crafted purpose statement should serve as a guiding principle and inspire and resonate with you deeply and emotionally.

11 Real-Life Examples of Personal Purpose Statements from Mindful Leaders

“Improve productivity & health outcomes.”

- Arianna Huffington (She/Her)

Founder and CEO at Thrive Global, Entrepreneur

“Enough of us — across all of our differences — see that we have a world to remake. We want to orient towards that possibility.”

-Krista Tippett (She/Her)

Founding Broadcaster and Host of the On Being Project

“Not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

Maya Angelou (She/Her)

Memoirist, Poet, and Civil Rights Activist

“To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.”

-Oprah Winfrey (She/Her)

TV Host, Producer, Author, and Entrepreneur of the Oprah Winfrey Media Empire

“Allow life to be just as it is.”

-Tara Brach, Ph.D (She/Her)

Psychologist, Author, Teacher of Meditation, Healing and Spiritual Awakening

“All you need to do is to take 10 minutes out of the day, to step back, to familiarize yourself with the present moment.”

-Andy Puddicombe (He/Him)

Co-Founder of Headspace

“I am a calm, centered, elegant woman; listening, steady and clear. I trust, respect and love myself. I am deeply connected to my heart and proud of my strength and my softness”

-Elena Brower, (She/Her)

Mother, mentor, poet, artist, volunteer, bestselling author and host of the Practice You Podcast

“To use my gifts of intelligence, charisma, and serial optimism to cultivate the self-worth and net-worth of women around the world.”

-Amanda Steinberg, (She/Her)

Founder and CEO of

“Everything is not for you. If it does not come to me, it is not for me. And the things that come to me are for me.”

-Laverne Cox (She/Her)


“I want to serve the people. And I want every girl, every child to be educated.”

-Malala Yousafzai, (She/Her)

Nobel Prize laureate and activist