How to Use Implementation Intentions to Achieve Your Goals

picture of a maze from above

What separates dreamers from doers? It's a question that has intrigued us all at some point.

Picture this: the beginning of a new year full of resolutions and goals like "I'm going to eat healthier and do yoga regularly." The initial burst of motivation is palpable, but how often does it slowly fade away as the weeks pass by?

If this sounds familiar, implementation intentions can help.

In a nutshell, implementation intentions are like a GPS for your goals. These aren't just empty words; they're the missing link between aspirations and achievements, the secret sauce behind those who effortlessly turn dreams into reality.

Implementation intentions are crystal-clear directives to navigate the tricky terrain between intention and action. This is not wishful thinking; it is a research-based strategy to achieving goals based on planning specific actions for making progress. Keep reading to find out how:

What Are Implementation Intentions?

At the crossroads of intention and action lies a powerful psychological concept: implementation intentions. This technique was introduced by the social psychologist Peter M. Gollwitzer, and essentially involves creating an "if-then" strategy for accomplishing your goals. Gollwitzer found that people were more likely to follow through with intentions if they created a specific "if-then" plan for performing an action than if they simply resolved to do it.

For instance, instead of saying, "I want to exercise more," you say, "If it's 7 AM, then I will go for a morning jog." Even the smallest shift in language can greatly impact your commitment to your plan.

You can even create implementation intentions to help re-direct habitual behavior that you struggle to control in moments of stress. For example, instead of promising that “I won’t yell at my partner when I get upset,” you can apply an alternate behavior using the implementation intention, “When I get upset with my partner, I will ask for 10 minutes to cool down before continuing the conversation.” In this way, implementation intentions can help you to avert crises before they happen.

Using this logical structure, an "intention" goes well beyond simply wanting to achieve a goal; it is a meticulously designed action plan that determines "when," "where," and "how" the goals will be achieved. Essentially, they transform abstract aspirations into actionable steps because they trigger a goal-directed response. 

Recent research has demonstrated that implementation intentions can strongly affect goal achievement and behavior change. Also, other studies have consistently shown that people who use implementation intentions, specifying when and where they'll exercise, are more likely to stick to their workout plans and, as a result, reach their overall fitness goals. 

In the same way that affirmations intensify your commitment, implementation intentions build a fortress of resilience to withstand whatever life may throw at you.

Who Can Benefit From Setting Implementation Intentions

Setting implementation intentions can help anyone turn their grand plans into reality. For example, if you're a student drowning in assignments, you can finally wave goodbye to last-minute cram sessions using the power of implementation intentions. But also, if you're a professional constantly juggling deadlines and struggling to manage the workload, implementation intentions are the cheat code for navigating the maze of professional challenges with finesse.  In summary, here's who can thrive when setting implementation intentions:

  • Students

  • Professionals

  • Fitness Enthusiasts

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Goal-Chasers

Specific Benefits of Setting Implementation Intentions:

  • Goal Domination: Clear plans translate to goal triumphs. You set it, you achieve it.

  • Laser-Sharp Focus: Implementation intentions keep your eyes on the prize by offering a step-by-step roadmap for action.

  • Procrastination Slayer: Break down tasks and slay procrastination. Implementation intentions are the antidote to last-minute panics.

  • Resilience Booster: When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade! Implementation intentions give you the details to stand strong, solid, and committed.

  • Habit Evolution: Want to build lasting habits?

Implementation intentions are the architects of behavioral change, turning aspirations into real lifestyle transformations.

The Problem with Implementation Intentions

Before diving headfirst into the world of implementation intentions, let's chat about the not-so-sunny side of this goal-getting strategy. Sure, it's the golden ticket for turning intentions into actions, but tread carefully because sometimes too much precision can trip you up. Here are some ways Implementation Intentions can backfire:

  • Rigidity Alert: Too many details can turn your action plan into a rigid script, stifling creativity and adaptability.

  • Overplanning Blues: A meticulous plan can breed anxiety, especially when life throws unexpected curveballs.

  • Guilty Conscience: Falling short of your super-specific plan might lead to unnecessary guilt and self-flagellation.

  • One-Size-Fits-None: What works for someone else might not groove with your vibe. Cookie-cutter plans? No, thanks.

  • Suppressed Innovation: In creative pursuits, an overly detailed roadmap might suppress the magic of spontaneous inspiration.

Precautions for Creating Implementation Intentions

  • Flex It Out: Allow room for flexibility in your plans. Life is a wild ride, and plans might need to adapt.

  • Mind the Stress: If your detailed plans start triggering stress, it's time to reassess. Goals should uplift, not burden.

  • Learn to Pivot: It's okay if things don't go precisely as planned. Plan to pivot when needed.

  • Personalize, Don't Copy: Tailor your implementation intentions to your unique style and preferences.

  • Celebrate Progress: Success isn't just about hitting the bullseye. Be proud of your progress, even when it doesn't follow the plan.

woman checking her watch

Examples of Highly Effective Implementation Intentions

This strategic approach emphasizes the 'when' and 'where' of goal-setting, two key elements that turn intentions into action. When you declare a goal without specifying the 'when' and 'where', it often remains adrift in the sea of good intentions. Implementation intentions turn aspirations into a navigational plan through these specifics, providing a clear path through the often tumultuous waters of goal pursuit. Here is an example of an ideal implementation intention.

Goal: Start the morning with 20 minutes of journalling.

  • When: Each day at 6:00 AM

  • Where: At the coffee table on the couch

Goal: Read that new book I’ve been trying to pick up forever.

  • When: 45 minutes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

  • Where: At the cafĂ© you work at in the afternoons on those days

Goal: Practice yoga weekly.

  • When: Sunday morning class

  • Where: At the local yoga studio

The Who, What, Why, When and Where of Goal-Setting

Identifying the 'Who, What, Why, When, and Where' is essential to success. Goal-setting is a powerful personal and professional development tool, providing a roadmap for individuals to achieve their aspirations. Within this framework, implementation intentions are crucial, emphasizing the 'when' and 'where' aspects of goal-setting. 

The "Who" refers to the individual setting the goal. The "What" involves defining the specific objective or outcome you're aiming to achieve. These elements lay the foundation for clarity and purpose.

The transformative power of goal-setting is often unlocked when attention is directed toward the "When" and "Where." These elements inject a practical dimension, turning abstract aspirations into concrete actions. The emphasis on 'when' establishes a temporal commitment, fostering a sense of urgency and preventing procrastination. Meanwhile, focusing on 'where' provides a physical context, setting the stage for action by creating a conducive environment. The intertwining of 'when' and 'where' not only propels goal-setting from contemplation to execution but also instills a sense of personal accountability, driving you to take the necessary steps toward realizing your aspirations. So, let's break it down:

  • Who benefits from you achieving this goal? This is where you identify the people in your closer circle who you'll want to celebrate your victory with you. Sharing your success not only adds accountability but can also provide invaluable support.

  • What is the goal? Defining your goal is like plotting a treasure hunt; you need to know the treasure before you can find it. Be clear and specific, and ensure it truly matters to you.

  • Why are you setting out to achieve this goal? The 'why' is your fuel, your motivation. The driving force keeps you going when the going gets tough. Understanding your 'why' gives your goal deeper meaning.

  • When are you going to take action? The 'when' adds a sense of urgency and structure. It's like setting a date for that dream vacation. Without it, it's just a wistful thought.

  • Where are you going to take action? The 'where' is your battlefield. It's the physical or mental space where your dreams will become reality. Identifying the 'where' sets the stage for your achievements.

6 Tips for Using Implementation Intentions to Effortlessly Achieve Your Goals

Implementation intentions can make setting and reaching goals significantly easier. These are precise plans that specify when, where, and how you'll take action toward your objectives. To enhance this process, consider incorporating these tips into your goal-setting journey.

  1. Start with a Clear Mind:

    Before diving into goal-setting, ensure you're positive and focused. Avoid setting goals when stressed, exhausted, or emotional; these states can cloud judgment and hinder effective planning. A clear mindset is essential for creating meaningful implementation intentions.

  2. Use Simplish for Seamless Planning:

    Use user-friendly apps like Simplish to set and track your implementation intentions effortlessly. Simplish breaks down goals into manageable steps sets timelines, and sends reminders, making the entire process more structured and achievable.

  3. Break Down Goals into Manageable Tasks:

    When formulating your implementation intentions, break down larger goals into smaller, more achievable tasks. This approach reduces the perceived enormity of the goal and provides numerous opportunities for success, boosting motivation along the way and allowing you to manage your time more strategically. The key is creating a series of manageable steps that collectively accomplish the larger goal.

  4. Be Specific and Realistic:

    Detail is crucial when creating implementation intentions. Clearly define your actions, specifying when, where, and how you will execute them. Additionally, be realistic about your capabilities and the time required. Setting unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and diminish motivation. Specific and realistic plans enhance the likelihood of successful goal achievement.

  5. Regularly Review and Adjust:

    Life is dynamic, and circumstances may change. To ensure ongoing progress, regularly review and adjust your implementation intentions. Stay flexible and adapt your plans as needed. This proactive approach helps you overcome unexpected challenges and keeps you aligned with your goals in the face of evolving circumstances.

  6. Stay Accountable with Support Systems:

    Share your goals and implementation intentions with friends, family, or mentors. Having a support system not only provides accountability but also offers encouragement during challenging times. Regular check-ins with someone who understands your objectives can help you stay on course and provide valuable insights and motivation.