22 Examples of Boundaries for More Balanced Relationships

Have you ever found yourself saying yes, even when it went against your own priorities? Being helpful and considerate of others is vital, but continually prioritizing their needs over your own can drain you.

That's where setting healthy boundaries comes in; it's crucial for maintaining your well-being and achieving personal growth. In this article, we'll explore the importance of understanding when to say no and establishing limits as a powerful tool for finding inner peace and happiness.

What Is A Healthy Boundary?

Boundaries indicate or fix a limit. They serve as guidelines communicating what behavior is acceptable and what isn't based on your beliefs and values. There are many types of boundaries, including: 

  • Physical boundaries 

  • Sexual boundaries

  • Material boundaries

  • Intellectual boundaries

  • Financial boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries is an essential aspect of healthy relationships. It involves communicating your needs and expectations to others and ensuring that they respect them. By doing so, you can create a sense of safety and security in your relationships, as well as a feeling of being valued. To learn more about how to set them effectively, check out our guide on "How to Set Healthy Boundaries."

22 Examples of Boundaries for More Balanced Relationships at Home, at Work, and In Life

The list below includes 23 examples of boundaries that can help you cultivate a more harmonious way of life. These boundaries are essential principles that can guide you towards maintaining a work-life balance, fostering mutual respect in your interactions, and ultimately leading to a more fulfilling lifestyle. They will be better equipped to build healthier relationships and navigate life more easily.

1. Prioritize Daily Screen-Free Time  

As our lives increasingly revolve around the internet, it can be challenging to find screen-free activities in our free time. You might even find yourself struggling with digital addiction (yes, that’s a real thing). Hello, digital boundaries!  Setting a few hours aside every day to log-off has major benefits for your mental, physical and social health.

  • Helpful If You: Feel the urge to check your phone every few minutes or frequently find yourself forgetting why you unlocked your phone.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: You can limit your screen time by scheduling down-time into your day, replacing screen time with IRL activities, and building social accountability into your plan.

2. Set Aside Time for Yourself

Did you know that setting clear boundaries around your personal space and time is actually super important for building healthy relationships? It's true! By taking care of yourself and making time for your own growth, you can prevent burnout and become a better partner, friend, or family member. So don't forget to prioritize yourself and your needs - it's the secret to maintaining strong and fulfilling relationships!

  • Helpful If You: Are a people pleaser or have difficulty setting boundaries with others.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Grab your planner and set aside a specific day each week to try something new. Write it down on your calendar so you don't forget. Let's make it happen!

3. Hold Yourself Accountable for Your Actions

We all slip up every now and then—it's just part of being human, even though it's not always fun to admit. But here's the thing: owning up to our actions fosters trust, respect, and deeper connections in our relationships. When we face conflicts head-on, we're not just smoothing things over; we're fueling growth and strengthening the bond between us.

  • Helpful If You: Struggle with facing uncomfortable truths or acknowledging your mistakes.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Honesty, discipline, and kindness: In short, all of the same qualities you would look for in an accountability partner!

4. Work On Time-Management

Feeling like your schedule's bursting at the seams? Let's discuss setting boundaries in the art of time management! Managing your time isn't just about checking off tasks; it's about unlocking a better life and stronger connections. 

  • Helpful If You: Are a procrastinator or you struggle with maintaining consistency in your commitments

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: If you're new to time management, use the time management matrix to sort all of your existing tasks into four groups: tasks to do now, tasks to do later, tasks to delegate - and tasks to forget about.

5. Own How You Feel

Ever find yourself wrestling with your emotions? Trust me, we've all been there! But here's the secret: embracing your feelings is the first step to mastering them. It might not seem like a boundary, but when you take ownership of your emotions, you unlock the power to navigate them with finesse, paving the way for richer connections and more meaningful interactions in every aspect of your life. 

  • Helpful If You: Avoid emotions or are defensive.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Take a closer look at the emotional wheel to name the emotions you feel and recognize patterns in your emotional experiences.

6. Actively Delegate Tasks to Reduce Busywork

Let's talk about the magic of delegation! The most well-known workplace boundary of all time. Delegating tasks promotes teamwork, trust, and effective communication. When you share your workload with others, you not only ease your own burden - you also create time for meaningful teamwork.

  • Helpful If You: Are a perfectionist, tend to micromanage, or find it difficult to trust others with tasks.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Successful delegation starts with documenting everything that needs to be done. Once you’ve done that, review the principles for delegation and put them to work the next time you offload a task!

7. Become Aware of Your Non-Negotiables

Non-negotiables are the boundaries that you won’t compromise. If you’re a go-with-the-flow type of person, strict boundaries might seem unnecessary. But understanding your non-negotiable boundaries can help you to build trust in relationships by establishing from the beginning where you won’t go.

  • Helpful If You: Have zero idea of your personal limits and find yourself

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Self-awareness is the first step to understanding where you’re willing to compromise with others, and where you stand firmly in your values and won’t negotiate.

8. Share Your Honest Opinion

Setting boundaries in your relationships implies working on your communication skills. Therefore, mastering the art of expressing your opinion can pave the way for open and honest communication within your relationships and even enhance your personal wellbeing. The more you share your thoughts and opinions, the more you encourage mutual understanding and respect.

  • Helpful If You: Are hesitant to voice your thoughts, tend to hold back your opinions, or feel apprehensive about disagreements. 

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Journaling can clarify your thoughts and feelings, helping you express your opinions more confidently and coherently.

9. Communicate Assertively 

Do you know that effective communication is one of the most important skills you can develop? It's not just about conveying information. It's also about setting healthy emotional boundaries. Learning this skill can make a big difference in your personal and professional relationships. It builds mutual respect, effective problem-solving, and relationship clarity, enabling open dialogue and constructive conflict resolution.

  • Helpful If You: Have difficulty expressing your thoughts and feelings or fear confrontation.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Try mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or body scans before assertive communication to reduce anxiety and enhance clarity.

10. Respect Yourself and Others

Respect is crucial to creating bonds based on empathy and understanding. What can be more important than respect when it comes to setting boundaries? When you hold respect as a core value, you have the right to expect others to treat you with it. This emotional boundary can aid in the growth of healthy relationships.

  • Helpful If You: Are rigid in your own beliefs, or you tend to dominate conversations.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Use active listening techniques like paraphrasing and summarizing to show interest and respect for others' opinions 

11. Set and Pursue Personal Goals

Setting personal boundaries is essential to maintain a healthy and balanced life. One effective way to set these boundaries is by defining your personal goals and aspirations. By setting clear goals for yourself, you are creating a roadmap for success and identifying the limits that you are comfortable with. Pursuing your goals will help you push beyond your comfort zone and develop new skills and abilities, while still respecting your personal boundaries.

  • Helpful If You: Lack direction, feel stuck in a rut, or struggle to stay motivated.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: You can use this list of long-term goal examples to inspire yourself for this year that is starting!

12. Don’t Speak Poorly of Others

When you set healthy personal boundaries, you're essentially defining what's acceptable and what's not in your interactions. Constantly critiquing others may seem like offering constructive feedback, but in the long run, it often creates tension and strain in relationships. Instead, try embracing people for who they are, without overly harsh judgments.

Consider this: diversity isn't just about tolerating differences; it's about embracing them. Each unique perspective and background adds depth and richness to your life story. By adopting this approach, you're not just benefiting those around you; you're also nurturing your own growth and well-being.

  • Helpful If You: Have perfectionistic standards or need help to provide constructive feedback.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Encourage a positive atmosphere by redirecting conversations towards constructive topics or activities when friends engage in criticism.

13. Identify Your Most Important Responsibilities

Clear job responsibilities lead to better task performance. Therefore, it is vital to learn how to set limits regarding your own tasks and those of others. When everyone involved knows exactly what is expected of them, there is less confusion and ambiguity, resulting in a smoother workflow and better outcomes. So, if you're part of a team or managing one, it's always a good idea to make sure everyone's roles and responsibilities are crystal clear.

  • Helpful If You: Are facing uncertainty in your roles, or you tend to take on too much without clear boundaries.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Time blocking can help your team allocate specific time slots for job responsibilities, reduce ambiguity, and enhance productivity.

14. Only Spend Within Your Budget

Navigating finances can be daunting, but setting personal boundaries around budgeting can offer clarity and empowerment. By establishing limits on spending and being transparent about financial decisions, you gain control over your money and reduce stress. Budgeting allows you to align your spending with your priorities, helping you work towards your financial goals with confidence and purpose.

  • Helpful If You: Have an impulsive spending habit or you often find yourself making unplanned purchases.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: One effective budgeting method is envelope budgeting, where you divide your cash into envelopes designated for different categories of spending.

15. Establish a Consistent Bedtime

Here's a little wisdom from the experts: laughter and sleep are like superpowers for your well-being! Making sure you get enough rest isn't just about feeling refreshed—it's the secret to excelling in everything you do.
By committing to this routine, you're establishing a clear limit on how you spend your time in the evenings. This boundary signifies that once it's time to begin your bedtime routine, you prioritize your sleep and well-being over other activities.

  • Helpful If You: Have irregular sleep patterns, difficulty winding down at night, or high stress or anxiety levels. 

  • Skill, Method, or Tool:  Before going to bed, try doing some relaxing activities like taking deep breaths or meditating. 

16. Make Time Every Week for Hobbies

Do you find yourself constantly focused on obligations, forgetting about what truly makes you happy? Making time for hobbies that bring you joy isn't just a luxury—it's essential. By prioritizing activities you love, you're not only taking care of yourself but also showing others that you value your well-being and personal space. 

  • Helpful If You: Are neglecting your personal interests, feeling burnt out, or relying heavily on your relationship for fulfillment.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Implement the "habit stacking" technique, which involves engaging in hobbies with an existing habit or routine.

17. Limit Your Exposure to Negative News

Creating personal boundaries around the amount of negative news you consume is fundamental for safeguarding your inner peace and emotional well-being. By consciously limiting your exposure to distressing news stories, you create space for positivity and tranquility. This boundary allows you to maintain a healthier emotional balance as you shield yourself from the constant barrage of negativity that can often lead to heightened stress levels and emotional exhaustion.

  • Helpful If You: Struggle with heightened anxiety, increased stress levels, or a tendency to become overwhelmed by current events.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Implement a "news diet" by setting specific time limits for consuming news each day

18. Establish Set Times to Check Email

Setting personal boundaries around email communication is essential in today's fast-paced world. Everyday we send numerous emails to our colleagues, friends, and family. It can be quite overwhelming to keep up with the deluge of messages and determine which ones are significant. This can lead to stress and anxiety, making it even more challenging to manage your inbox.

  • Helpful If You: Have difficulty disconnecting from work, feeling overwhelmed by constant notifications, or struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Implement the "batching" technique by designating specific times throughout the day to check and respond to emails. 

19. Approach Disagreements Fairly

Fighting fair means constructively and respectfully engaging in disagreements. This boundary encourages the open expression of feelings and perspectives, which can help prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications from spiraling out of control. 

  • Helpful If You: Are defensive during conflicts or resort to criticism or blame.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Utilize "I" statements to express your feelings and needs during conflicts, emphasizing ownership of your emotions and avoiding blame

20. Create Weekly Time for Nurturing Friendships

Prioritizing loyalty to your friends is crucial, as it allows you to maintain independence and nurture unique connections outside of your romantic partnership. This boundary ensures that you can continue cultivating meaningful relationships and pursuing personal interests without compromising the strength and authenticity of your friendships. By setting clear boundaries around maintaining friendships, you can confidently navigate your romantic relationship while honoring the importance of diverse connections in your personal life.

  • Helpful If You: Are neglecting your social life, becoming overly dependent on your romantic partner for companionship, or are feeling isolated due to a lack of outside connections.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Implement regular check-ins with friends through scheduled calls, outings, or virtual hangouts

21. Only Share Details You’re Comfortable With

Sharing only things you're comfortable with sets personal boundaries that foster trust, emotional safety, and open communication. It lets you be yourself without worrying about judgment, promoting authentic expression.

  • Helpful If You: Are hesitant to open up or have experienced discomfort discussing specific topics.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Practice setting boundaries by using the "traffic light" system. Green indicates topics you're comfortable discussing, yellow means you're hesitant, and red signifies topics you prefer not to discuss.

22. Keep Your Personal Space Clean

Keeping your living space tidy isn't just about appearances—it's a game-changer for your overall well-being. A clean and organized environment doesn't just look good; it can also work wonders for your mental and physical health. 

  • Helpful If You: Are disorganized or find maintaining cleanliness in your living environment difficult.

  • Skill, Method, or Tool: Implement the "5-Minute Rule," where you commit to spending just 5 minutes each day tidying up your physical space,  breaking down cleaning tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.