3 Minimalist Hacks to Help You De-Clutter & Re-Center Your Life

Minimalist Hacks to Clear Unnecessary Clutter Out of Your Life

The minimalist lifestyle philosophy has become a modern survival guide.

You know the idea right?

Living with less and getting rid of excess stuff to free yourself of material and financial burden.

Yeah, that.

As simple as the minimalism concept is, it's can be harder to put into practice than you might think.

Sometimes, we grow attached to certain things through sentimental or financial ties. And that's okay, you don't have to throw out or pawn absolutely everything in your life. But on the other hand, we've all got clutter in our lives that could no doubt be moved on in the name of simple living.

Learn how to bring a touch of minimalism into your life in this article to free up more space in your life than you ever thought possible.

Minimalist Life Hacks to Remove Unnecessary Clutter Out of Your Life

Minimalism has quickly become more than just a passing trend.

It's now infused itself into many people's lives for the better. To help you clear out the closet, halt those impulse purchases, and achieve more financial freedom, here are 5 super powerful tips to get you started on your minimalist living journey.

1. Set Yourself Up With a Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe

set up a minimalist capsule wardrobe

But wait, what's a capsule wardrobe?

It's basically a minimalist wardrobe made up of a collection of only the most essential clothes that you really need. This involves removing any duplicate items, excessive sets of sneakers, or, you know, just plain old clutter.

Setting up a capsule wardrobe is a great way to clear out that over cluttered wardrobe, and reduce the excess clothes that are threatening to spill out all over your bedroom floor.

Before you start mourning your heirlooms and favorite pieces, no - you don't have to throw away your absolute favorites. Nor do you have to wear the same clothes day after day. In fact, the guidelines behind a capsule wardrobe say you should limit your closet down to around 30-40 items.

See, not too bad.

To help you out, here's a quick look at what you may want to keep:

  • 14-18 tops including jumpers, t-shirts, and shirts

  • 5-7 bottoms including jeans, trousers, and skirts

  • 3-4 coats

  • 3-5 dresses (guys, you can skip this part if you want to)

  • 5-6 pairs of shoes including boots, flats, heels, and flip flops

limit digital clutter

Clearing out your digital space is another great way to kick off your minimalist journey.

Enter: digital minimalism

Digital minimalism comes in two different forms.

  1. Electronics & Hardware: The first, and most obvious, is limiting the number of physical electronics that exist in your life. You know, out of date and unused laptops and phones, old cables and cords that are obsolete and no longer needed, and any kitchen appliances that end up in the back of cupboards and drawers.

  2. Apps & Software: The second form of digital minimalism is a little harder to implement but no less necessary. Digital minimalism also means limiting the amount of social media apps, emails, and photos or files that could really use a good old dose of decluttering.

To help you out, here are a few digital minimalism hacks:

  • Clean up your computer's desktop. Declutter all the files and desktop icons that are taking over your workspace and are making it hard to find anything.

  • Upload files and photos to the Cloud. Instead of storing all your files and photos on your devices, why not employ the use of a Cloud service. Not only will you clear up more space but you will also make sure nothing important will ever be lost ever again.

  • Remove any unused applications. As with your laptop, remove any unwanted or underused apps that clutter your phone's home screen and menus.

  • Generally, limit screentime where you can. Minimalism isn't just about taking back your physical life it's also about taking back your mental space. Limit device use where you can and tune back into real life.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

reduce, reuse, recycle minimalistic hacks

Where you can, limit your impulse purchases. The best way to achieve this is to start looking at the unwanted things you already have and, instead of tosing them to the curbside as hard rubbish, reusing them where you can.

There are many ways to do this, something as simple as using old shopper dockets as a notepad will do the trick. Or, maybe washing and bringing new life into those old pair of sneakers at the bottom of your closet can all help to reduce your need to buy new things.

Taking this approach will not only free up more storage space in your home but will also reduce the number of new purchases you make. This not only helps to reduce your nonessential items and save money but it will also reduce your impact on the Earth.

As they say, the most sustainable t-shirt is the one in your wardrobe.

Final Thoughts

Minimalism doesn't have to be completely ridding your life of absolutely everything. Nope, it's simply a different way of approaching impulse purchases, shopping habits, and your life in general.

Not only will minimalism help to free up more physical space but it will also help you save on storage expenses, reduce your social media use, and, perhaps most importantly, limit your impact on our natural resources.